Friday, April 24, 2015
The Greatest Gift: How I MEt The BEyond Category Jazz Diva @REallyCassandra Wilson & Presented Her With A 2015 Jimmie Lunceford Legacy Award On My 35th Life Affirmation Day #TrueStory
I Was MEant To MEet Master Jazz Diva @ReallyCassandra Wilson, But I Was Told ‘NO’ Just About By Everybody IN Her Management Team But GOD Veto Them & Said ‘YES’...Cassandra Wilson was suppose to perform IN Nashville at the gorgeous Schermerhorn Symphony Center on April 8…However, it was cancelled Because Sis. Wilson Participated IN the INduction of her muse and the INspiration for her latest musical masterpiece and true ‘eargasm,’ “Coming Forth By Day,” Sis. Billie Holiday, INto the Apollo Theatre Walk Of Fame on April 7 which was the honored songstress 100th Life Affirmation Day… Sis. Wilson was also doing her featured debut at the legendary venue later that week as well…The concert was REscheduled for April 23 which of course was my Life Affirmation Day…I was planning to go to Natchez, MS to commemorate the 200 plus Black lives that were lost on my Life Affirmation Day some 75 years ago IN the INfamous Rhythm Club Fire Of 1940 but the UNiverse had other plans…I did make it my business to MEet Cassandra Wilson and present her with the 2015 Jimmie Lunceford Legacy Award For ‘A Lifetime Dedicated To Excellence IN Music & Music Education’...
I sent several emails and phone calls to the venue as well as to Sis. Wilson’s agency, media and management team REquesting INterview time and some time to present Sis. Wilson with the award…Many times my e-mails and phone calls went UNanswered or were met with ‘NOs’ and INdifference, even after I dropped the INterview REquest…But I was determined BEcause I know that what is mine in this world I am going to have and thus claim my rightful INheritance…I am the type of person that REfuses to live with REgrets BEcause I try to do everything that I know of in my power to gain leverage and make any situation work in my favor, if I do all I know that I can do and it still doesn’t work out then I can REasonably say that it wasn’t MEant to BE...However I had one more trick up my sleeve…I called the Schermerhorn Symphony Center publicist Bro. Dave Felipe early in the afternoon and told him that I wanted a media pass to take pictures of the concert…He agreed to do so but warned ME that her management team was very strict and wanted complete control and copyrights to the pics I was to take...He thought that their demands were the most UNusual and strangest that he has every heard IN his line of work and told ME maybe it wouldn’t BE worth my time...I told him that I would agree to it with no problem and that I would sign their agreement as long as I wasn’t signing my soul to the Devil…I did not give a damn about no fukkking pictures, my mission was to meet the great Cassandra Wilson and give her an award that my mind conceived and that my heart knew she was very much deserving of…We As Black People Do Ourselves A Great DisService When We Wait For Others To Validate & Vindicate Us, Especially Our Heroes & Sheroes…
Bro. Felipe then assigned to ME a staffer from his venue, Bro. Dan Grossman who proved to BE sympathetic to my cause, especially once I REvealed to him the true nature of my objective and that my Life Affirmation Day was that day…He went out of his way to BEcome a liaison and ally for my cause…The arrangement was that I could only take pictures and video of the first song of the concert…During the concert I REported to her tour manager backstage and gave him my sd card so that he could copy the photos to his drive and erase them from my sd card as agreed upon…He said that they will review and send ME pics that I could use within 14 days…I then told him that would BE fine and that I had an award to present to his artist and that it would take only 2 minutes to do so…Bro. Grossman further added that I was a big fan and that it was my birthday…I told him that it would BE an honor to give Sis, Cassandra this gift on my day to honor the gift of her genius music that she has given so consistently to the world…He said that they were on a tight schedule and had to promptly leave and head straight to New Orleans for the music festival that she will BE headlining this weekend..However, he REversed his decision and decided to let ME MEet with her BEcause it was my birthday…I was grateful but not surprised BEcause I knew it was destined to BE...
Backstage after the concert, I had my moment…I was talking to Bro. Grossman and his wonderful boss when out of nowhere I was surprised by the sweet sounds of this goddess serenading ME with ‘Happy Birthday’ as IF I was #JFK at Madison Square Garden…Lol...It was Ms. Wilson herself!!! She gave ME some of the warmest hugs I have ever REceived IN my 35 years of living…It was as if we have known each other for a long time…She is, IN the words of the late great #DukeEllington, “BEyond Category!!!”She asked ME how old I was and I told her '35' and she chose to flatter ME by saying I was 25...It worked…Lol...I told her how much of a fan I was, that I enjoyed her performance at Bro. Chokwe Lumumba’s funeral last year and how her music got ME to 'RElisten' to Billie Holliday’s last album, the often UNnderrated yet hauntingly BE-YOU-TOO-FULL “Lady IN Satin”…She told ME that she didn't REally listen to Billie's last album UNtil later IN her career and has now grown to appreciate it...I also told her that I used to love listening to Billie Holliday IN college while going to sleep but had to stop Because I would wake up IN a fukkked up mood IN the morning...She laughed…And then I presented her with the award...She was blown away…She Loved It!!! I then told her the significance of Jimmie Lunceford, of course she knew who Jimmie Lunceford was, but the stuff I told her she didn’t know…She did not know that he started music education IN the Memphis City Schools as a volunteer or that he went to Fisk UNiversity or that his jazz orchestra was the top act at the Apollo Theater for a whole decade or that he owned and flew his own airplanes…I also told her that since they were both native Mississippians (she is from Jackson and he was from Fulton) and that she was IN Nashville (the location of Fisk University) that this award could not BE presented at any BEtter time…She also INformed ME That Her Grandmother or Great Grandmother was a graduate of Fisk University as well…CoINcidence Or By Design Fam???
The BEst & most important pictures that night were taken by her tour manager with my camera of the BE-YOU-TOO-FULL Sis. Cassandra Wilson holding her award with ME by her side…And Guess What??? I OWN THE COPYRIGHTS TO THOSE!!! MY INHERITANCE!!! Lesson: ‘NO’ Is A Temporary Condition…Learn How To Harness The Power Of Your Will, Creativity & Visualization & You Can Have Anything You Want IN This World #R2c2h2Says
Buy Sis. Cassandra Wilson's Coming Forth By Day Now:
Friday, April 17, 2015
Saturday (4/18/2015 @ 2pm e/1pm c/11am p) W.E. A.L.L. B.E. Radio: Judge Joe Brown LIVE!!!
Disclaimer: The views expressed in this show are not the official views, opinions, beliefs or perspectives of W.E. A.L.L. B.E. News or The W.E. A.L.L. B.E. Group Inc....W.E. A.L.L. B.E. News is an organization that thoroughly believes in supplementing the information narrative that is usually supplied by the corporate news entities with those viewpoints/expressions which may be marginalized or ignored for a plethora of reasons...We are about informing the general public on alternative perspectives as it relates to news and information and letting the general public be the ultimate judge in deciding on how to use said information...Informed citizens are responsible citizens...Thank you for your support!!!
W.E. A.L.L. B.E. Radio: Judge Joe Brown LIVE!!!
***Radio Free Dixie For The 21st Century!!!***
W.E. A.L.L. B.E. Radio: Resurrecting Black Radio One Podcast At A Time!!!
Saturday April 18, 2015
2pm Eastern/1pm Central/11am Pacific
This is a 2 hour show/discussion
Call-In & Participate!!!
Listen LIVE!!!
***All Shows Are Recorded & Archived & Available For Listens & Downloads 24/7 @ The Same Links Of Their LIVE Airing***
Check Out The Last Two Shows That The Honorable Judge Joe Brown Was Featured On W.E. A.L.L. B.E. & Then You Will Overstand Why You Should BE Excited:
W.E. A.L.L. B.E. TV: Judge Joe Brown On Why He Lost, Ferguson, Mike Brown, Bill Cosby, MLK, Selma & MORE!!!~1-3-2015
W.E. A.L.L. B.E. TV: Get Down With Judge Joe Brown LIVE!!!~6/4/2014
Check Out The Last Two Shows That The Honorable Judge Joe Brown Was Featured On W.E. A.L.L. B.E. & Then You Will Overstand Why You Should BE Excited:
W.E. A.L.L. B.E. TV: Judge Joe Brown On Why He Lost, Ferguson, Mike Brown, Bill Cosby, MLK, Selma & MORE!!!~1-3-2015

W.E. A.L.L. B.E. TV: Get Down With Judge Joe Brown LIVE!!!~6/4/2014

This Week's Show Is Sponsored By Bro. Terry Sonnier & Blueprintbr, A Luxury Street Wear Clothing Store:
Bro. Major Christopher Bonds:
To BEcome A Sponsor Contact Us Today!!! Or Call 901-299-4355
"3 Kings" Art Prints & T-Shirts By R2C2H2 Featuring Comedy Legends Richard Pryor, Paul Mooney & @IAMDickGregory Now Available For Purchase!!!
And The Best Is Yet To Come!!!
Support The W.E. A.L.L. B.E. Movement!!!
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Or send a money order to
the following address:
Attn: Ron Herd II
The W.E. A.L.L. B.E. Group Inc.
P.O. Box 752062
Memphis, TN 38175
Support The W.E. A.L.L. B.E. 100,000 Strong Fundraising Campaign!!!
Thursday, April 16, 2015
W.E. A.L.L. B.E. TV: After Ferguson: Race & Class Bigotry At Washington University With Bro. Chris Pepus
Disclaimer: The views expressed in this show are not the official views, opinions, beliefs or perspectives of W.E. A.L.L. B.E. News or The W.E. A.L.L. B.E. Group Inc....W.E. A.L.L. B.E. News is an organization that thoroughly believes in supplementing the information narrative that is usually supplied by the corporate news entities with those viewpoints/expressions which may be marginalized or ignored for a plethora of reasons...We are about informing the general public on alternative perspectives as it relates to news and information and letting the general public be the ultimate judge in deciding on how to use said information...Informed citizens are responsible citizens...Thank you for your support!!!
W.E. A.L.L. B.E. TV: After Ferguson: Race & Class Bigotry At Washington University with Bro. Chris Pepus
W.E. A.L.L. B.E. TV: After Ferguson: Race & Class Bigotry At Washington University with Bro. Chris Pepus
And The Best Is Yet To Come!!!
Support The W.E. A.L.L. B.E. Movement!!!
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Or send a money order to
the following address:
Attn: Ron Herd II
The W.E. A.L.L. B.E. Group Inc.
P.O. Box 752062
Memphis, TN 38175
Support The W.E. A.L.L. B.E. 100,000 Strong Fundraising Campaign!!!
W.E. A.L.L. B.E. TV: Celebrating Jazz Great Jimmie Lunceford & The Music Of Manassas High~11/15/2012
Disclaimer: The views expressed in this show are not the official views, opinions, beliefs or perspectives of W.E. A.L.L. B.E. News or The W.E. A.L.L. B.E. Group Inc....W.E. A.L.L. B.E. News is an organization that thoroughly believes in supplementing the information narrative that is usually supplied by the corporate news entities with those viewpoints/expressions which may be marginalized or ignored for a plethora of reasons...We are about informing the general public on alternative perspectives as it relates to news and information and letting the general public be the ultimate judge in deciding on how to use said information...Informed citizens are responsible citizens...Thank you for your support!!!
Celebrating Jimmie Lunceford & The Music Of Manassas High(2012) Part 1...Panel Discussion
Celebrating Jimmie Lunceford & The Music Of Manassas High, 11/15/2012 @ Rhodes College sponsored by The Mike Curb Institute & The Jimmie Lunceford Jamboree Festival (JLJF). (Left to Right): Memphis Music Legend Bro. Emerson Able, Jr., Mike Curb Institute Director Dr. John Bass & JLJF Founder Bro. Ron Herd II aka r2c2h2 tha artivist discussed the profound impact of Jimmie Lunceford on Memphis music history and education. Jazz great Jimmie Lunceford voluntarily started music education in the Memphis City Schools and thus changed the course of American Music History. For More Information On The JLJF please visit the official website:
W.E. A.L.L. B.E. TV: Celebrating Jazz Great Jimmie Lunceford & The Music Of Manassas High~11/15/2012

Celebrating Jimmie Lunceford & The Music Of Manassas High(2012) Part 1...Panel Discussion
And The Best Is Yet To Come!!!
Support The W.E. A.L.L. B.E. Movement!!!
Donate online:
Or send a money order to
the following address:
Attn: Ron Herd II
The W.E. A.L.L. B.E. Group Inc.
P.O. Box 752062
Memphis, TN 38175
Support The W.E. A.L.L. B.E. 100,000 Strong Fundraising Campaign!!!
Friday, April 10, 2015
Justice For Q: Cinque DJahspora Murdered By Jackson Police On Camera...Black Martyrs Day Coverage, Part 1~4/4/2015
Disclaimer: The views expressed in this show are not the official views, opinions, beliefs or perspectives of W.E. A.L.L. B.E. News or The W.E. A.L.L. B.E. Group Inc....W.E. A.L.L. B.E. News is an organization that thoroughly believes in supplementing the information narrative that is usually supplied by the corporate news entities with those viewpoints/expressions which may be marginalized or ignored for a plethora of reasons...We are about informing the general public on alternative perspectives as it relates to news and information and letting the general public be the ultimate judge in deciding on how to use said information...Informed citizens are responsible citizens...Thank you for your support!!!
Black Martyrs Day 4/4/2015 REpresentIN: Bro. L'Sana DJahspora & Bro. Ron aka R2C2H2 Tha Artivist
"INjustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere."~Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
Black Martyrs Day 4/4/2015 REpresentIN: Bro. L'Sana DJahspora & Bro. Ron aka R2C2H2 Tha Artivist
"INjustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere."~Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
R2C2H2 Tha Artivist:
"I Headed Down I-40 Towards Jackson, TN, On 4/4/2015 To Commemorate #BlackMartyrsDay & Protest The Assassination Of 20 Year Old Bro. Cinque DJahspora By The Jackson Police On November 6, 2014, Which Was Caught On Multiple Police Dash Cams & Put Out Heavily Edited To The Public...However, The Video Still Shows Bro. DJahspora Shot IN The Back UNder Very Questionable Circumstances...
Actual Footage Of Cinque DJahspora BEing Killed By Jackson Police Department Officer Raymond Dewayne Bond
Cinque DJahspora's Homegoing (Funeral)
Sunrise: 1/17/1994-Sunset: 11/6/2014
The Old Timers Told ME That Jackson Was Such A KKKonfederate White Power Stronghold That Even MLK, Who Died On The Day Of The Protest 47 Years Ago, Was Afraid To Stop By Even For A Rest Room Break...As You Can See By The KKKonfederate Phallic Memorial On The Courthouse Lawn That MayBE What They Said Wasn't Too Far From The Truth...
With That Said I Finally Met Bro. L'Sana DJahspora, The Father Of The Slain Young Man & The Person That I Am Pictured With...I Cannot Commend This Brother Enough For Finding The Courage & REsolve To Fight For Justice For His Son & To End This Systemic Genocide On Black People Once & For All...BTW Cinque Was His & His Ex-Wife's Only Child...Some Supporters Came From As Far As Gary, INdiana, To Show Solidarity & Support With Bro. DJahspora...Stay Woke Fam & Keep Pushing For #Justice4Cinque & Justice For Us All!!! One Heart!!!"
#ThisBlackLifeMatters #WhatWouldKingDone #WeAllBeTV
The Following News Coverage Courtesy Of W.E. A.L.L. B.E. News...
W.E. A.L.L. B.E. TV: The Jackson Police Murdered My Son On Camera: Bro. L'Sana DJahspora Speaks! #Justice4Cinque
W.E. A.L.L. B.E. TV: Justice For Cinque, Murdered By Jackson, TN Police On Camera: Sis. Shelia Godwin Speaks Her Mind!
W.E. A.L.L. B.E. TV:"Justice For Cinque, Murdered By Jackson, TN Police On Camera: The Brothers REspond!!!"
"I Headed Down I-40 Towards Jackson, TN, On 4/4/2015 To Commemorate #BlackMartyrsDay & Protest The Assassination Of 20 Year Old Bro. Cinque DJahspora By The Jackson Police On November 6, 2014, Which Was Caught On Multiple Police Dash Cams & Put Out Heavily Edited To The Public...However, The Video Still Shows Bro. DJahspora Shot IN The Back UNder Very Questionable Circumstances...
Actual Footage Of Cinque DJahspora BEing Killed By Jackson Police Department Officer Raymond Dewayne Bond

Cinque DJahspora's Homegoing (Funeral)
Sunrise: 1/17/1994-Sunset: 11/6/2014
The Old Timers Told ME That Jackson Was Such A KKKonfederate White Power Stronghold That Even MLK, Who Died On The Day Of The Protest 47 Years Ago, Was Afraid To Stop By Even For A Rest Room Break...As You Can See By The KKKonfederate Phallic Memorial On The Courthouse Lawn That MayBE What They Said Wasn't Too Far From The Truth...
With That Said I Finally Met Bro. L'Sana DJahspora, The Father Of The Slain Young Man & The Person That I Am Pictured With...I Cannot Commend This Brother Enough For Finding The Courage & REsolve To Fight For Justice For His Son & To End This Systemic Genocide On Black People Once & For All...BTW Cinque Was His & His Ex-Wife's Only Child...Some Supporters Came From As Far As Gary, INdiana, To Show Solidarity & Support With Bro. DJahspora...Stay Woke Fam & Keep Pushing For #Justice4Cinque & Justice For Us All!!! One Heart!!!"
#ThisBlackLifeMatters #WhatWouldKingDone #WeAllBeTV
The Following News Coverage Courtesy Of W.E. A.L.L. B.E. News...
W.E. A.L.L. B.E. TV: The Jackson Police Murdered My Son On Camera: Bro. L'Sana DJahspora Speaks! #Justice4Cinque
W.E. A.L.L. B.E. TV: Justice For Cinque, Murdered By Jackson, TN Police On Camera: Sis. Shelia Godwin Speaks Her Mind!
W.E. A.L.L. B.E. TV:"Justice For Cinque, Murdered By Jackson, TN Police On Camera: The Brothers REspond!!!"
Join The Justice For 'Q' Movement!!!
Bro. L’Sana DJahspora's Contact INfo:
Phone: (219) 314-5053
Join The Justice For 'Q' Movement!!!
Bro. L’Sana DJahspora's Contact INfo:
Phone: (219) 314-5053
And The Best Is Yet To Come!!!
Support The W.E. A.L.L. B.E. Movement!!!
Donate online:
Or send a money order to
the following address:
Attn: Ron Herd II
The W.E. A.L.L. B.E. Group Inc.
P.O. Box 752062
Memphis, TN 38175
Support The W.E. A.L.L. B.E. 100,000 Strong Fundraising Campaign!!!
Sunday, April 05, 2015
Sunday (4/5/2015 @ 4pm e/3pm c/1pm p) W.E. A.L.L. B.E. Radio: After Ferguson: Race & Class Bigotry @ Washington University IN St. Louis" with Bro. Chris Pepus
Disclaimer: The views expressed in this show are not the official views, opinions, beliefs or perspectives of W.E. A.L.L. B.E. News or The W.E. A.L.L. B.E. Group Inc....W.E. A.L.L. B.E. News is an organization that thoroughly believes in supplementing the information narrative that is usually supplied by the corporate news entities with those viewpoints/expressions which may be marginalized or ignored for a plethora of reasons...We are about informing the general public on alternative perspectives as it relates to news and information and letting the general public be the ultimate judge in deciding on how to use said information...Informed citizens are responsible citizens...Thank you for your support!!!
1.) Featured Guest: Bro. Chris Pepus
REad His Article "Class Bigotry at Washington University in St. Louis: A Resignation":
W.E. A.L.L. B.E. Radio: After Ferguson: Race & Class Bigotry @ Washington University IN St. Louis" with Bro. Chris Pepus
***Radio Free Dixie For The 21st Century!!!***
W.E. A.L.L. B.E. Radio: Resurrecting Black Radio One Podcast At A Time!!!
Sunday April 5, 2015
4pm Eastern/3pm Central/1pm Pacific
This is a 2 hour show/discussion
Call-In & Participate!!!
Listen LIVE!!!
***All Shows Are Recorded & Archived & Available For Listens & Downloads 24/7 @ The Same Links Of Their LIVE Airing***
1.) Featured Guest: Bro. Chris Pepus
REad His Article "Class Bigotry at Washington University in St. Louis: A Resignation":
Donate To "I AM Going To College Too!" April 11, 2015 Event Fundraiser:
This Week's Show Is Sponsored By Bro. Terry Sonnier & Blueprintbr, A Luxury Street Wear Clothing Store:
Bro. Major Christopher Bonds:
To BEcome A Sponsor Contact Us Today!!! Or Call 901-299-4355
"3 Kings" Art Prints & T-Shirts By R2C2H2 Featuring Comedy Legends Richard Pryor, Paul Mooney & @IAMDickGregory Now Available For Purchase!!!
And The Best Is Yet To Come!!!
Support The W.E. A.L.L. B.E. Movement!!!
Donate online:
Or send a money order to
the following address:
Attn: Ron Herd II
The W.E. A.L.L. B.E. Group Inc.
P.O. Box 752062
Memphis, TN 38175
Support The W.E. A.L.L. B.E. 100,000 Strong Fundraising Campaign!!!
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