Sunday, April 09, 2006

In The Spirit of Redemption...There's Something About Tookie

Well, my interpretation of redemption, it differs from the theological or the academical rendition. I believe that my redemption symbolizes the end of a bad beginning and a new start. It goes beyond, in a sense of being liberated from one's sins or atonement in itself. I feel that my redemption mostly or primarily encompasses the ability to reach out to others. I call it -- when people say spirituality, I break it down as a spirit act, with “spirit” being the [inaudible] of the soul, the id, etc., etc., and the “uality” aspect of it being an act, a performance, a deed. So, we’re talking about a spirit act, a spirit act towards helping other people, which are primarily youths in my case.
--Stanley Tookie Williams

Although Stanley Tookie Williams the man is gone the SPIRIT AND TESTIMONY OF HIS CONTROVERSAL AND POWERFUL LIFE LIVES...Please take advantage of the website links below to learn about who Stanley Tookie Williams was because the mainstream media won't show because they don't want you to know!!!
Bro. R2

The Death, Funeral and Resurrection of a Prophet: Stanley Tookie Williams
This is actual footage of the program which includes speeches by Snoop Dogg, Jesse Jackson, Tony Robbins, and the Hon. Minister Louis Farrakhan. Tookie's son (who has an uncanny resemblance to his father) gives a stirring eulogy tribute to his late father and on keeping his legacy of hope and redemption alive:
Tookie's Homecoming

Tookie's one on one interview with Self-Help Guru Tony Robbins AND LETTERS IN SUPPORT OF TOOKIE FROM LINDA OWENS, THE WIDOW OF ALBERT OWENS
The Tookie Protocal For Peace
Tookie's Official Website
Some info on Tookie and the Crips he helped to found
Redemption: The Stan Tookie Williams Story Starring Jamie Foxx
Photos of Vigil outside San Quentin Prison During Tookie's Final Hours
A Life Redeemed,A Life Destroyed
One of Tookie's Final Interviews

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