"I care deeply about the language I create for books. I call myself a wordkeeper, or a keeper of words. I enjoy words and looking at them on all sides . .Words are magnificent . . They form rhythms of living in meaningful prose. . It is the force of my desire, my wish to make myself understood, that powers these words."
-Virginia Hamilton
Dear Friends of the Project!
Exciting news! The People Could Fly Project is headed to
We will be traveling with the ATA's Young Professional Forum. The Project will be visiting with students at the
Since we began The PCF Project last spring my sisters and I have worked to make the dream of documenting the dreams and stories of young people across the African Diaspora a reality. With a belief that anything can be accomplished we've taken our cameras, our hearts, hopes, and minds across the US, from our home in Memphis, TN to Philly, Washington, Jena LA, New York, San Francisco, St. Louis, Inglewood, Detroit, Atlanta, Nashville, Connecticut, Detroit, North Carolina, and Mississippi. We've filmed, photographed, and interviewed young people of color and anyone and everyone in the making of a documentary about the power of our dreams.
You see, we know that the dreams of young folk and people of color are possible! We know that our stories are important, despite the dearth of in depth and positive images on the lives of young people of color. Our mission throughout has been to find and show these important images and stories within the faces, from the very voices and dreams of young people of color, to create images that speak of how powerful we are and can be.
...And now we are poised to take the grand flight to
And now we need your help! Our flight fees have largely been acquired. We know that we can raise the remaining funds for the journey. We are spending of ourselves,
our talents, and our gifts to meet the remaining funds. In exchange for your contributions, your gift will be acknowledged officially with a signed 5x7 photograph from
Attached you will find the official invitation from the Africa Travel Association to The People Could Fly Project and a broader description of the Project.
Please forward to your network, asking your friends and family to contribute online at thepeoplecouldfly.blogspot.com
Footage, photos, and updates from
We believe and pursue with veracity and belief... Anything and everything can happen.
In Flight and Faith
and Aisha Abioto
The People Could Fly Project
Poet, Author, Husband of Virginia Hamilton
The People Could Fly Project is a documentary arts project focusing on the dreams of young people across the African Diaspora. It follows the adventures of five sisters, ages of 7 to 21 as they travel across the
As the daughters of an airline employee they've been able to fly many places, but felt it was imperative to share their experiences with others and to talk and engage with young people around the world about the power of their own dreams, their own abilities to make them reality, and thus their own ability to fly.
They have traveled to New York, San Francisco, Los Angeles, St. Louis, Jena, LA, Connecticut, Detroit, Virginia, Nashville, TN; Washington, DC; and Mississippi talking, filming, photographing, and interviewing people of all ages about their dreams and are on the way to many other places.
They were inspired by a folktale told in the
The online segment of our journey with photos, video clips, and writing can be found at
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