Wednesday, February 06, 2008

Tha Artivist Responds: My Thoughts On The Barack Candidacy...

Tha Artivist Responds:

Recently I was asked to respond to the recent All-Star music video and song inspired by Barack Obama as well as to a discussion being conducted by some of my Beltway Buddies, people in their twenties and of color who are actively involved in the political machinations of Washington D.C or The Hill as they call it...Here 's a quick summary of what I said...As the days, weeks and months progress to the November 2008 U.S. Presidential Election I will continue to add my own unique voice to the mix about the candidacy of one Barack Hussein Obama in particular and American politics in general...

Now as I understand it from my limited background to master the art of politics is to master the art of the compromise…We all need to realize that when folks are put into office they can only do as much as those working with them will allow them to do…Think about it Bush didn’t go to war by himself…He had the support of both Democrats, Republicans and corporate owned media…The Congress, with a few exceptions, voted to give Bush these powers to declare World Wars 3-10 without any apprehension or worries…If you put a war monger in office who is a failed business man with poor judgement skills (he lost close to 300 million dollars in business investments and traded away a young Sammy Sosa to the Chicago White Sox for little in return…How dumber can you get???) to the highest office in all the land and world this is what you get: never ending war with a failed economy…Yet the people still voted him in anyway…So what does experience got to do with anything???

As for Billary, I actually did an article which sums up perfectly how I feel about that conglomerate:

Once again people always talk about experience…What’s that???

Supreme Court Chief Justice Earl Warren
(at the time California‘s Governor) was never a judge when he was selected to become the leader of the highest court in all the land…President Ike thought he made a safe bet in selecting Earl Warren to take the position…Ike confidently stated that Earl Warren "represents the kind of political, economic, and social thinking that I believe we need on the Supreme Court ... He has a national name for integrity, uprightness, and courage that, again, I believe we need on the Court"…He was right and wrong about Earl at the same time…We all know about Brown v. Board right?

Out of an act of blatant nepotism Bobby Kennedy was appointed to the position of the top law enforcer in the land by his brother Pres. Kennedy at the age of 35…Although he passed the bar, he never really presented a case in court…He ended up being of our most effective attorney generals ever, coming down hard on the U.S Mafia and laying the groundwork for the RICO Act…

I proudly voted early for Barack Hussein Obama…In Barack America has found the true compromise candidate…For one I already know that Barack isn’t a true Black leader and that America isn’t ready anyway…My favorite Black politician of all time has been Adam Clayton Powell Jr….I have already compared Barack with Adam in this article:

Politics are not for those who can’t compromise their positions…I am truly thankful for the true freedom fighters present and past….Dr. King, Fannie Lou Hamer and others like them saw the necessity of the grassroots and streets as a way to put people in office who represented the needs, hopes and aspirations of the people…Dr. King wouldn’t have been an effective president because he couldn’t tell a lie unlike George Washington and he couldn’t compromise his positions on the moral issues (the war on Vietnam and poverty right here at home) ..LBJ on the other hand was a master politician, a prolific backroom wheeler and dealer…Because of his cunning and ability to play hardball as well as the ability to tell an occasional lie or two he was, in the enthusiasm and spirit of HRC, able to get the job done in passing civil rights legislation…But the downside of this was the escalation of the Vietnam War of which the Johnson Administration wasn’t truthful with the American people about (Gulf of Tonkin Incident anyone???)…This and this alone, regardless of his other impressive accomplishments (selecting Thurgood Marshall as Supreme Court Justice) cost him his political career and has tarnished his legacy…

Barack Obama is channeling Bobby Kennedy from 68…He has true star power and like Bobby he is metaphorically channeling the spirit of change that King and so many others fought and died for…

I recently compared Barack to Sam Cooke because of his crossover appeal:

I have more to say, but I will let you all marinate on the stuff I just stated…

Thanks fam and I look forward to continuing the dialogue…
Yours in solidarity..
Bro. Ron

photo by wilma potts
(Ron Herd II also known as R2C2H2 Tha Artivist hosts the internet radio show “Tha Artivist Presents...W.E. A.L.L. B.E. Radio” at . His Website is He is also the author of James Reese Europe: Jazz Lieutenant

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