March 2008's Theme Is
"Our House..."
When: Sunday Mar. 30, 2008
Time: 4PM-6PM Central/ 5PM-7PM Eastern
Our Distinguished Guests & Topics Are...
Time: 4pm c/5pm e-4:40pm c/5:40pm e
Who Shot 'Pac?
Why Are Rap Record Sales Declining?
Is Hip Hop Dead?
What's Up With Nas & The Word Nigger?
Sis. Michelle Bernard On MSNBC's Hardball With Chris Matthews
As a political and legal analyst, Bernard has spoken on topics as varied as faith and foreign policy, the War in Iraq, the political participation and voting trends of African Americans and women, and advancing democracy, economic liberty, and the human rights of women, ethnic and religious minorities around the world. Bernard has been featured in several publications, including: Fast Company magazine, The Legal Times, The New York Daily News, The Washington Business Journal, The Washington City Paper, The Washington Lawyer, The Washington Post, The Washington Post Sunday Magazine, and The Washington Times. Additionally, Bernard has been prominently featured in the Observer and the Gleaner, two of Jamaica 's leading national newspapers.
Media appearances include ABC News Now, ABC Radio, America's Black Forum, BBC Radio, Black Americas Web, CNBC's The Dennis Miller Show, CNN's Paula Zahn and the Situation Room, C-SPAN's Washington Journal, Court TV's Catherine Crier Live, Fox News Channel's Live Desk with Martha MacCallum, The O'Reilly Factor, Studio B with Shepard Smith, Hannity and Colmes, and Your World with Neil Cavuto, MSNBC's Hardball with Chris Matthews, Countdown with Keith Olbermann, Verdict with Dan Abrams, MSNBC Live, and Morning Joe, Our World with Black Enterprise, PBS's Evening Exchange and To the Contrary, National Public Radio's 51%, News and Notes with Ed Gordon, and Tavis Smiley Show, Voice of America, WJLA's Capital Sunday, and various Middle Eastern radio and cable television programs.

Time: 5:40pm c/6:40pm e-6:00pm c/7:00pm e
Guests :
A.) Sis. Tawanna Thierry Of The Schlumberger 2
Cassandra Rabius and Ms. LaShaunda Knight, Dr. Candi Hudson and others
were not present at the time of picture. African Americans and women of all
races are suffering within Schlumberger’s sound proof walls. The issues are not
just black and white, but “human”. Racism and sexism is woven deeply into the
culture of Schlumberger, and victims, as the ones illustrated in the above picture,
are speaking out. As the wise old phrase reads, “No one actually knows what
another goes through by being on the outside looking in.” All of these Plaintiffs
More Schlumberger 2 News On W.E. A.L.L. B.E. News & Radio:
B.) Sis. Sandra Massey Hines, Houston, Tx Activist & The Mayor of Sunnyside Houston,Texas
In 1992, Sandra Massie Hines received Congratulations for being nominated recipient of the President's Annual Point of Light Award from President George Bush Sr. She has worked and walked with local, national and international figures.With each step she is defending the poor, the elderly, children, disenfranchised, homeless, those shunned by society, and persons of diverse culture. The City of Houston in 2003 was facing a crisis between the Chief of Police and City Council Members. Sandra Massie Hines armed with her courage, ability to articulate and her group of protesters defended Houston 's second Black Police Chief C.O. Bradford.
In 2006, Ms. Sandra Massie Hines received recognition from President George W. Bush for her community service and acknowledgment from Governor Rick Perry. Sandra Massie Hines has assisted many in her days, Former Mayors Dr. Lee P. Brown, Bob Lanier and our present Mayor Bill White, City Council Member At Large Peter Brown, State Representatives and others.
During the term of our 42nd President of the United States William Jefferson Clinton, Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee contacted Sandra Massie Hines to pray for the president as he faced impeachment, and she did.
Sandra was one of twenty Black American Women in Houston , chosen to meet with 100 women from various African countries, Nigeria , Togo and others to share information concerning the "similarities and differences" as they develop into womanhood.
On September 9 2006, Sandra Massie Hines armed with her faith and many Christian women and men, walked the streets of Sunnyside Community to encourage and send a message to the people afflicted with addictions, that "their Supreme Father GOD and Friend Jesus Christ are helping to heal their afflictions now." "As I walk thru the shadows of death, I will fear no evil." has been the mantra of this dynamic woman of Houston, Ms. Sandra Massie Hines.
Life In Jesus International Foundation
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