Monday, October 12, 2009

Sis. Sarah Kruzan: Sentenced To Life Without Parole At Age 16 For The Murder Of Her Pimp...

Sarah Kruzan

Video: *Sarah Kruzan*Sentenced To Life Without Parole At Age 16


Support Freedom Of Trafficking Victim Sara Kruzan

To: Your U.S. House Representative, Your U.S. Senators and The President of the United States, see more...Women's Commission (County of Riverside), Your U.S. House Representative, Your U.S. Senators and The President of the United States

Started by: Michelle Quann

There are approximately 225 juveniles in California serving a life without parole sentence. California has the worst racial disparity rate in the nation for sentencing juveniles to life without parole. Black youth are given this sentence at 22 times the rate of white youth.
A number of California cases have recently been highlighted in the media due to the background of the juveniles who received the sentences, and the circumstances surrounding their crimes. One such case involves Sara Kruzan, now 28. She was raised in Riverside by her abusive, drug-addicted mother. Sara met her father only three times in her life because he was in prison.

Since the age of 9, Sara suffered from severe depression for which she was hospitalized several times. At the age of 11, she met a 31-year-old man named G.G. who molested her and began grooming her to become a prostitute. At age 13, she began working as a child prostitute for G.G. and was repeatedly molested by him. At age 16, Sara was convicted of killing him. She was sentenced to prison for the rest of her life despite her background and a finding by the California Youth Authority that she was amendable to treatment offered in the juvenile system. (See video of Sara Kruzan).

“Life without parole means absolutely no opportunity for release,” said Senator Yee. (of California) “It also means minors are often left without access to programs and rehabilitative services while in prison. This sentence was created for the worst of criminals that have no possibility of reform and it is not a humane way to handle children. While the crimes they committed caused undeniable suffering, these youth offenders are not the worst of the worst.”

“As a society we’ve learned a lot since the time we started using life without parole for children,” said Elizabeth Calvin, a children’s rights advocate with Human Rights Watch. “We now know that this sentence provides no deterrent effect. While children who commit serious crimes should be held accountable, public safety can be protected without subjecting youth to the harshest prison sentence possible.”

To email the Governor of California, Arnold Schwarzenegger, directly follow this link:


The Pungaloongs court said...

This is horribly disguting, to thing I have seen other white children walk away from murdering their parent because of abuse.
And here today you speak about rape and a crime that this man would have been convicted as a sex offered for.
And you jail someone for life for defending herself.
I am wondering who was her lawyer, its time we come together and fight for the freedom of this young woman.

Anonymous said...

i honestly think that the govener should review this is unfair for this girl to serve her whole life with unfair treatment! yes,murder is wrong, yes she should be held accountable but was there no pardon in the name of mercy and no prior linience dye to her past? no...we call upon the age of fair justice...we call upon the fair constitution promised to every citizen

Unknown said...

To help assist in obtaining her freedom, visit the Official Free Sara Campaign & the "Faces for Sara Kruzan" photo petition at: