Saturday, November 21, 2009

From The Honorable Sis. Cynthia McKinney: My Letter To The President And A Note About Lynne Stewart

This morning, I sent this letter to President Obama:

"Mr. President:

I are writing to urge you to announce an immediate cease-fire followed by a withdrawal of all US troops from Iraq and Afghanistan in the fastest way consistent with the safety of our forces.

I urge you to end the use of Predator drones that kill civilians.

I call upon you to cease all covert operations in Africa, Asia, and North and South America.

Too many of your military advisors are implicated in torture, war crimes, crimes against humanity, and crimes against the peace. Your Justice Department operates at the zenith of injustice, defending Bush Administration criminality in U.S. Courtrooms.

I wrote to you earlier suggesting that if you did not investigate the crimes of the Bush Administration, you would be viewed as their accessory. Sadly, war crimes and torture are now committed with your name on them.

Please bring our troops home now."

A peace demonstration is being organized for December 12, 2009 in Washington, D.C. The Emergency Anti-Escalation Rally, also known as the End US Wars Rally, is scheduled for 11am at Lafayette Park at the White House. I wholly endorse this rally and encourage all who can to participate in Washington, DC or to help a local peace organization committed to ending U.S. wars on that date.

For more information about the Washington, D.C. December 12, 2009 demonstration, please visit, currently under construction.

P.S. President Obama's Department of Justice, unlike President Clinton's that refused to even prosecute, just took Lynne Stewart to prison and is trying to extend her sentence from 28 months to 3O years. Please take a moment and write a letter of encouragement to Lynne Stewart, the people's attorney, who is now Prisoner #53504-054 at MCC-NY. Her address is:

Lynne Stewart
150 Park Row
New York, NY 10007

Justice For Lynne Stewart


The Honorable Cynthia McKinney

Green Party Of The United States

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