Friday, March 05, 2010

Mumia Speaks: A 'Democracy' Without Democracy...

A 'Democracy' Without Democracy
[col. writ. 2/28/10] (c) '10 Mumia Abu-Jamal

It would be impossible to overstate the energies unleashed during the 2008 election.

This election broke a pattern of the last half-century by attracting 63% of voter participation. Not since Kennedy faced Nixon in 1960 have we seen numbers exceed 62%.

Key to this may have been the engaged participation of millions of youth, Blacks and Hispanics, energized not merely by the presence of an attractive candidate, but by the nature of the monochromatic opposition. The Republicans ran a weathered warrior for the top spot, and a V.P. choice that seemed more gimmick than substance.

Their appeal was pitched to yesteryear, and didn't even pretend to attract African American or Hispanic voters. The nation's Black community is perhaps the most anti-war of any other demographic. They also ran with the albatross of perhaps the least popular president since Nixon around their necks -- George W. Bush.

But a year into the Democratic administration, and much of the excitement of the election is markedly diminishing.

A pro-business, pro-war, and anti left orientation has been the theme of the opening year. Healthcare legislation has been stymied by both Republican and Conservative Democratic (so called Blue Dog) opposition. And although the Democrats hold majorities in both houses, they have been battered by a year of Republican and industry attacks.

They may hold a majority of seats, but they act as if they are still in the minority, for they are unwilling or unable to oppose their corporatist wing, which has whittled down healthcare to a mere shadow of it's original proposal.

In the first months of the administration, polls showed overwhelming support for a public option, and opposition to the Afghan war. A year later, and healthcare is on life support; and the Afghan war is in support of a corrupt, election stalling regime that is backed more by narcotics traders than its own people.

In essence, the new administration is doing largely what the last one did - just with a bit more class.

-- (c) '10 maj

The Power of Truth is Final -- Free Mumia!

URGENT Need for Petition Signatures at:

Audio of most of Mumia's essays are at:

Mumia's got a podcast! Mumia Abu-Jamal's Radio Essays - Subscribe at the website or on iTunes and get Mumia's radio commentaries online.

Mumia Abu-Jamal's new book -- JAILHOUSE LAWYERS: PRISONERS DEFENDING PRISONERS V. THE USA, featuring an introduction by Angela Y. Davis -- has been released! It is available from City Lights Books:

If you are planning to organize an event or would like to order in bulk, you can also receive a 45% discount on any bulk orders of 20 copies or more. The book retails for $16.95, for orders of 20 copies or more the discounted price would be $9.32 per book, plus shipping and handling. Prepayment would be required and books are nonreturnable. If you or your organization would like to place a bulk order, please contact Stacey Lewis at 415.362.1901 or

Let's use the opportunity of the publication of this brilliant, moving, vintage Mumia book to build the momentum for his case, to raise the money we desperately need in these challenging economic times, to get the word out – to produce literature, flyers, posters, videos, DVD's; to send organizers out to help build new chapters and strengthen old ones, TO GET THE PEOPLE OUT IN THE STREETS … all the work that we must do in order to FREE MUMIA as he faces LIFE IN PRISON WITHOUT PAROLE OR EXECUTION!
Please make a contribution to help free Mumia. Donations to the grassroots work will go to both INTERNATIONAL CONCERNED FAMILY AND FRIENDS OF MUMIA ABU-JAMAL and the FREE MUMIA ABU-JAMAL COALITION (NYC).

Please mail donations/ checks to:
NY 10030
215 476-8812
Send our brotha some LOVE and LIGHT at:

Mumia Abu-Jamal
AM 8335
175 Progress Drive
Waynesburg, PA 15370


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