Thursday, March 04, 2010

Sarah Palin's Alleged Racist Comments Witness Royal Claims Victory

Sarah Palin's Alleged Racist
Comments Witness Royal Claims Victory

Mon Mar 1, 2010

Jazz musician Gregory Charles Royal, whose alleged 1991 racial encounter with former Governor Sarah Palin circulated the blogosphere during the 2008 presidential campaign, is setting the record straight about his recently resolved Juneteenth lawsuit brought by Royal and Kim Chatman against the former vice presidential candidate.

Washington, DC (PRWEB) March 1, 2010 -- Jazz musician Gregory Charles Royal, whose alleged 1991 racial encounter with former Governor Sarah Palin circulated the blogosphere during the 2008 presidential campaign, is setting the record straight about his recently resolved Juneteenth lawsuit brought by Royal and Kim Chatman against the former vice presidential candidate.

Royal says that the headlines in recent Associated Press articles highlighting the dismissal of the federal district court case 3:09-cv-00091, unintentionally miss the point and the result of the suit being brought. "The Juneteenth lawsuit was filed for the sole purpose of compelling Sarah Palin to issue the 2007 Juneteenth Proclamation", says Royal. "During the course of this lawsuit, she did in fact issue the proclamation so it was without a doubt, a victory. That she tried to play games and issue the proclamation without informing our side or that the case was dismissed on jurisdictional grounds but without prejudice as to allow its pursuit in state court, are all interesting yet irrelevant tidbits because we accomplished what we set out to do. But make no mistake, the proclamation would never have been issued if not for the attention this lawsuit brought on the issue."

Judge Timothy Burgess admonished Palin by denying any costs or attorney fees because of her conduct in the case when he wrote: "Because of the defendant's failure to inform the plaintiffs that the Juneteenth Proclamation had been retroactively issued, and was not made public until recently, however, this is not a case appropriate for an award of costs or attorneys fees to the defendant."

Palin's defiant modus operandi has seemingly become a pattern according to many published articles since the 2008 campaign, and it comes with a price- in this case that a suit had to be brought just to compel Palin to correct the record and to Alaskan taxpayers who may have recouped the legal expenses if not for Palin's court room shenanigans..

Since 2008, Royal has been busy with his America's Hot Musician television project, writing and producing a gold record for Canadian Idol finalist Sarah Loverock, and reviving his New York JVC Jazz Festival Play It's a Hardbop Life.

Chatman filed an ethics complaint last year that alleged Palin misused the governor's office for personal gain by securing unwarranted benefits and receiving improper gifts through a legal defense fund. That case has not been publicly resolved.

Royal says "I am an artist for sure, but sometimes situations like this cross your path and you have to get involved." Royal, who was a trombone soloist with the Duke Ellington Orchestra and the Broadway musical Five Guys Named Moe, was also chronicled in the books Art Blakey: Jazz Messenger by Leslie Gourse and the Biographical Encyclopedia of Jazz by Leonard Feather.


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