Friday, March 29, 2013

W.E. A.L.L. B.E. Radio: "The Truth About Mugabe: Villain or Hero" (Sun. 3/31/2013 @ 4pm e/3pm c/1pm p)

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W.E. A.L.L. B.E. Radio: "The Truth About Mugabe: Villain or Hero???"

 W.E. A.L.L. B.E. Radio: Resurrecting Black Radio one podcast at a time!!!

Date: Sunday March 31, 2013

4pm Eastern/3pm Central/1pm Pacific
 This is a 2 hour show/discussion

Listen Live!!!

Call-In & Participate!!!


Featured Guests...

1.)  Filmmaker Extraordinaire Bro. Roy Agyemang
Bro. Roy Agyemang (left) and Bro. Ron aka r2c2h2 tha artivist

2.) You!!!
The call in Phone Number: (646) 652-4593

***The show will be archived and available for listens/downloads 24/7 after live airing @ same link...***


Mugabe: Villain or Hero?
Filmmaker Roy Agyemang is granted unprecedented access to President Robert Mugabe and provocatively questions whether the Zimbabwean leader is the demon that the western media portrays.

Awarded the ‘Special Recognition Jury Award’ at the Pan African Film Festival

At 89 years of age, Robert Mugabe is the second oldest head of State. He is one of the worlds longest-serving yet most reviled leaders. He has ruled Zimbabwe since Independence 1980.
In June 2013 Mugabe will contest what many people consider his last election.

Is there more to Robert Mugabe and Zimbabwe than is being shown on our television screens? What’s the true extent of Mugabe’s support inside Zimbabwe? What has happened to the country that they all called the bread basket of Africa – and why?

These questions and more led British born Ghanaian filmmaker, Roy Agyemang, on a journey to Zimbabwe to make a documentary about President Robert Mugabe. What started out as a three-month mission turned into three life-changing years, culminating in unprecedented access and a rare interview with the controversial leader.

Filmed between 2007 and 2010, Mugabe: Villain or Hero? is an epic personal journey, narrated by Roy Agyemang who, together with his UK-based Zimbabwean fixer, Garikayi Mushambadope, found themselves in Mugabe’s entourage, on Colonel Gaddafi’s private jet and around a host of prominent African leaders.

At a time when western media was banned in the country, Agyemang and Mushambadope worked their way through the corridors of power, probing the cultural, economical and historical factors at the heart of the “Zimbabwean crisis”.

In his directorial debut Roy Agyemang draws on a wealth of news footage, including Bob Marley’s historic appearance at Independence celebrations in 1980. Mugabe: Villain or Hero? is a highly accessible, personal and often amusing film in which Agyemang explores the relationship between African leaders and the West, in the fight for African minerals and land. In contrast to the usual picture of the dictator we are used to seeing on our television screens amidst scenes of violence, Mugabe: Villain or Hero? is a revealing portrait of the man who was knighted by John Major and honoured with doctorates by the west.

 For more information on film please visit the official website:


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Attn: Ron Herd II
The W.E. A.L.L. B.E. Group Inc.
P.O. Box 752062
Memphis, TN 38175

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