Tuesday, September 29, 2015

W.E. A.L.L. B.E. TV: HEllo World: ATL Songbird @TheBriaAnai SINGS Jackson 5!!! @ASALH 100 Conference

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W.E. A.L.L. B.E. TV: HEllo World: ATL Songbird @TheBriaAnai SINGS Jackson 5!!! @ASALH 100 Conference



“You Can't Copy Anybody And End With AnythINg. IF You Copy, IT MEans You're WorkINg Without Any REal feelINg. NO two people on earth are alike, and IT's got to BE that way IN music or IT isn't music.”
~Billie Holiday

Sis. Bria Anai was an American Idol Season 13 Top 15 Contestant...MEt her while I was doINg MEdia duty IN the ATL @ the ASALH: Association for the Study of African American Life and History National Conference...Such A Humble & BE-YOU-TOO-FULL Person INside & Out...A Rich Voice That Defies Her Age (Currently A High School Senior), An 'Old Soul' As They Say...REMEmber HEr Name & That Voice!!! You Will HEar IT AgaIN & Many Of You All Will HEar IT First On ‪#‎WEAllBE‬ ‪#‎R2c2h2Says‬ 


And The Best Is Yet To Come!!!


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