Friday, May 09, 2008

44th Annual Mississippi Civil Rights Martyrs Memorial Service, Conference, and Caravan for Justice...

44th Annual Mississippi Civil Rights Martyrs
Memorial Service, Conference, and
Caravan for Justice

Longdale Community Center Site
County Road 632, Neshoba County, Mississippi
June 21 - 22, 2008
Justice for Civil Rights Martyrs!
Compared to the number of Mississippi murders committed—and the number of murderers involved—
investigations and prosecutions have been a token few.

All people of goodwill are invited to attend the 44th Annual Mississippi Civil Rights Martyrs Memorial Service, Conference, and Caravan for Justice. We will remember and honor slain civil rights workers Andrew Goodman, James Chaney, Michael Schwerner, and all other Mississippi civil rights martyrs.

The weekend’s events will begin with a Caravan for Justice, assembling at the First Union Missionary Baptist Church in Meridian, 610 38th Avenue, at 9:00 a.m. and departing at 9:30 a.m. on Saturday, June 21, 2008. The caravan will visit the James Chaney grave site, the three martyrs murder site on Rock Cut Road, and Mt. Nebo Church before going to the old Longdale Community Center, County Road 632, at 2:30 p.m. Along the route, justice rallies will be held at the Lauderdale County courthouse in Meridian at 9:45 a.m. and the Neshoba County courthouse in Philadelphia at 1:30 p.m.

The Memorial Service and Conference will be held on Saturday, June 21, from 2:30–6:30 p.m. and Sunday, June 22, from 10:00 a.m.–5:00 p.m. at the old Longdale Community Center site on County Road 632 in Neshoba County, Mississippi. It will be conducted outdoors on the Steele family's land with ample shade and parking. Another indoor site has been arranged in case it rains.

The local community around the site is friendly to our cause. There will be much and varied food, from barbeque to healthy salads, for attendees. Thanks in advance to the food committee.

This event will be for remembering, exchanging thoughts and ideas, strategizing, and calling on officials to prosecute all known perpetrators who murdered civil rights workers. We will also develop plans to continue the struggle against racial oppression in Mississippi. The service is open to all people of goodwill who share our values and concerns.

Directions from Philadelphia: Take Highway 16 east to County Road 482 (2 miles): turn left and go to County Road 632 (7 miles); turn right and go 1½ miles. The old Longdale Community Center site is on the right.
Directions from Meridian: Take Highway 19 north to Highway 16 (38 miles); turn right and go to County Road 482 (2 miles); turn left and go to County Road 632 (7 miles); turn right and go 1½ miles. The old Longdale Community Center site is on the right.

2008 Planning Committee

John Steele, Chairman
(925) 497-9868

George Roberts
(601) 743-2704

Steven McNichols
(415) 651-9999

Rev. C.T. Vivian
(404) 505-0472

Curtis Muhammad
(504) 236-4703

Ed Whitfield
(336) 549-7810

Diane Nash
(773) 821-5423

John Gibson
(870) 972-9248

Ash-Lee Henderson
George Smith
Sheryl Bauerschmidt
Carolyn Sutton
Jared Story
Maggie Harrison
Joe Morse
Michelle Timberlake
Richard Coleman

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