Friday, May 09, 2008

R2C2H2 Tha Artivist~Re: Why Obama Did The Wright Thing And How Rev. Wright’s Selfless Sacrifice Saved The Obama Presidency…Part One

Trinity United Church of Christ/Religion News Service
In Chicago, Mr. Obama embraced Christianity under the tutelage of the Rev. Jeremiah A. Wright Jr., known for sometimes inflammatory views.

Note: this is the first of three responses written in support of my commentary

To see other people's reactions view the following link:

The following was written in response to:

~Sis. Conscientious Crutch~

Thanks for providing the historical context as it relates to this type of mainstream media flame-fanning. I don't know that I agree with Tha Artivist about BHO's political calculations (throwing his mentor under the bus publicly but remaining close behind closed doors) but I do agree that Wright responded with political acumen, using this as an opportunity to discuss the "black church" while protecting BHO...not once has he publicly criticized BHO. I do not know his motivations for doing so except that perhaps he truly cares for BHO the person, which is understandable.

However, I honestly believe that if BHO were to win the presidency, progressive/radical/of color America would continue to watch BHO "talk left and walk right" throwing under the bus whomever politically necessary.

At what point does that behavior become inexcusable? I am of the opinion that if you do not hold BHO accountable now, then you will have suffer the consequences later, there will be no turning back.

Hey Sis. Conscientious Crutch,
Thanks for replying...Barack Obama is doing what politicians do period...He can not be held to the same moral standards of say a minister, but yes he still does have an ethical accountability like everyone else...

You must understand the very nature of what it takes to be president...

A leader doesn't have to be right, they just have to have the ability to get people to rally around his/her cause and to follow his/her lead...

To be honest I think BHO has been held to more scrutiny and analysis than any other candidate thus far...He is the bar I believe of how people should hold other people to scrutiny when it comes to running for the most powerful office in the world...

To be honest with you if more Presidents were held to the same standards many would not have made it to 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue...

For example, Pres. Kennedy, one president that BHO is always compared to, surely would not have gotten elected not because of his extramarital affairs and poor health (Addison's Disease), but because of the sins of his father who was connected to corrupt Teamsters and notorious gangsters...How do you think they made that family fortune??? Very Clintonesque indeed...Also his family were close friends with the notorious red-baiting Sen. Joe McCarthy of Wisconsin...Sen. McCarthy gave JFK's brother RFK a job as one of his attorneys...The family stayed close to Sen. McCarthy even when he lost his power and was disgraced...To me that is much worse then having Rev. Wright presiding over your wedding and baptizing your kids...

Also Harry Truman would not have been in line to be President if people made a bigger issue out of his relationship with the powerful Political Boss Tom Pendergast who was basically Truman's Political Godfather and the iron fisted ruler of Prohibition Era Kansas City...

Pendergast went to prison for income tax evasion (like Al Capone) and died shortly thereafter...Against the best wishes of his advisors and friends, Truman, then U.S. Vice-President, went to his funeral...

When Truman stayed loyal to his friend he was seen as trustworthy and sincere...When BHO tried to not distanced himself from Rev. Wright he was seen as untrustworthy and having poor judgment...

Imagine what the Republican Attack machine would do with such juicy tidbits as the ones mentioned in the previous paragraphs???

With that said I wish people would hold their own selves accountability when it comes to judging others...Nobody knows what BHO will do when he becomes President...Not even BHO...BUT I DO KNOW THAT IF PEOPLE ARE WILLING TO ENGAGE IN THE PROCESS AT ALL LEVELS THEN THINGS BIGGER THAN ANY ONE MAN OR MESSAGE CAN BEGAN TO HAPPEN...

In Solidarity and Good Faith Your Brother And Comrade...
Bro. Ron a.k.a. R2C2H2 Tha Artivist

More Related Coverage On W.E. A.L.L. B.E. News & Radio:

Why Obama Did The Wright Thing And How Rev. Wright’s Selfless Sacrifice Saved The Obama Presidency…

The Hypocrisy Of The Media…Min. Farrakhan Was A Guest Of Honor For Key Pa. Hillary Supporter!!!

W.E. A.L.L. B.E. News & Radio Special: Black Liberation Theology 101:

The Rev. Wright Controversy Told Through Video Media:

W.E. A.L.L. B.E. News & Radio Special: Barack Obama & The Hip Hop Effect On American Politics:

W.E. A.L.L. B.E. News & Radio Special~Eyewitness To The Crucifixion: The Last Days Of MLK:


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Obama "A Legacy Of Hope" T-Shirt Today!!!

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