Saturday, August 30, 2008

Among Whites It’s The O.J. Effect Not The Bradley Effect That BHO Must Worry About…

Barack Obama according to tv pundits and conventional wisdom must be able to get a sizable number of the White vote to win the Whitehouse…People are startled that in a year where everything should be going the Democrats’ way that Obama, according to the experts and polls, is in a virtual tie with Sen. John McCain…

Many experts are hesitant to say the obvious: that race is playing a major role in the race…They make references to the Bradley Effect when in 1982 popular L.A. Mayor Tom Bradley was touted favorably by the media to win a landslide victory in being selected the first Black Governor of California…Many Whites when polled said that they would vote for Bradley…However, Bradley lost the race by a few votes…Thus the term the Bradley Effect was born, a phenomena that occurs when Whites lie about voting for an African American candidate regardless of what they tell pollsters, causing an unexpected and close loss…

The same thing almost happened to Douglas Wilder of Virginia…He survived a very, very close election to become the first Black Governor of Virginia…Thus the term the Wilder Effect was born, when Whites barely vote for an African American candidate as promised ,but the African American Candidate still win regardless…

Because of the history of race consciousness or ignorance in Amerikkka, many Dems, Blacks and others are worried that in spite of the brilliant campaign Obama has run up until this point that BHO will fail in the fall because of the perceived lack of confidence in him from Whites…

Let me just counter by saying that I feel that many Whites in Amerikkka would sincerely love to vote for BHO…But they are worried that BHO will let them down…

Why??? Because it’s the O.J. Effect!!!

You see before BHO, Whites had another Post-Racial Icon that they could always depend on: Orenthal James Simpson a.k.a. O.J. Simpson a.k.a. The Juice!!! O.J. provided White Amerikkka relief from the militant, political and socially conscious stances of such athletes as Jim Brown, Curt Flood, John Carlos, Tommie Smith, Bill Russell, Oscar Robertson and of course the one and only Muhammad Ali

By comparison Barack offers White Amerikkka a similar relief from the racial indigestion and social migraines that are Rev. Jesse Jackson, Rev. Al Sharpton, Minister Farrakhan and others...

Like Barack, O.J. sought to distance himself from the long running Race Conservation that has been going on since 1619…

Both guys are movie star handsome, charismatic and come from working class roots…Both men were wild in their youths, O.J. car jacking and robbing stores in the San Francisco ghetto while Barack openly admits to experimenting with illegal drugs…

Both guys became collegiate standouts in their respective fields of study; O.J. was a Heisman Trophy Award winning running back with USC while Barack became the first Black president of the Harvard Law Review…

Both men are products of households where their fathers were absent...

And both men had a desire to be accepted and vetted by the White Power structure...

Although The Juice wasn’t involved in the Black Civil Rights or Power movements, he nevertheless benefitted from the struggle financially…He became a popular pitchman for various products and services including Hertz Rent A Car...Barack Obama also benefitted from the struggles and sacrifices made by the participants in those movements as well...His presidential bid could not have been possible without the steps made by the Giants before including Fredrick Douglass(vice presidential nominee under The Equal Rights Party in 1872 with a white woman Victoria Woodhull heading up the ticket), Shirley Chisholm, Rev. Jesse Jackson, and yes even Rev. Al Sharpton...Even Harold Washington becoming the first Black mayor of an abrasive and wild political town like Chicago (Barack’s adopted hometown) provided Barack an impetus to dream and the will to pursue those impossible dreams with an unabashed audacity of hope...

What white folks fear in my opinion is the possibility that Barack will let them down like O.J. did back in the 1990s and since...Truth be told Whites took the loss of one of their Sports and Cultural Heroes hard...White Amerikkka pondered and reflected...How could he betray us??? Didn’t we treat him better than the rest??? Didn’t we bless and highly favor him??? Reactions from Whites were similar to last year when they found out that Amerikkka’s favorite Black Quarter-Running back, Mike Vick, was a dog killer...At least O.J. didn’t kill Nicole Simpson’s dog so maybe he does have some redeeming qualities...

You see White Amerikkka does not view Blacks as whole human beings...Blacks are only three fifths humans according to the doctrine of the founding fathers...In many instances Blacks views themselves less than that as evidenced by the high rate of Black on Black crime...Meaning that White Amerikkka still wants to believe and to be able to control every aspect of the lives of their Black property...They want Blacks to be morally and physically superior, but also intellectually and emotionally inferior...More brawn less brain... But if they feel that a Black person betrayed their trust or undermined their supreme authority then they want to euthanize that Black person like Old Yeller or one of Mike Vick’s unlucky pit bulls...

When dealing with Blacks, White Amerikkka feels like that there can be no room for error or second chances/guesses....Meaning that Pres. Barack Obama better not play too many pick up basketball games while Amerikkka’s economic infrastructure is falling apart and we are still waging imperial wars in lands so far away and yet so nearby that their effects can be felt and seen in our pocketbooks and wallets...Unlike Bush who played a cowboy on his ranch while his fellow Americans drowned in a soup bowl filled with toxic gumbo known as New Orleans three years ago, Barack will not be given the luxury of such treatment i.e. having others die for your incompetence and inaction while not being held accountable...Every mistake made will be scrutinized and magnified while every achievement will be overlooked and/or credited to somebody else...Thus is the nature of the beast...

White Amerikkka needs to take a cue from Hollywood...In the movies (think ‘Deep Impact’) or tv shows (think ‘24’), whenever there is a crisis or the world is about to end, more likely than not a Black president is in office!!! Coincidence or Conspiracy??? Well it looks like the world is about to end...Let’s put the first Black president in before Al Gore causes hell to freeze over and Jesus comes back and overturn the election results!!!

(R2C2H2 Tha Artivist is host and editor of Tha Artivist Presents…W.E. A.L.L. B.E. News & Radio & He is also the author of James Reese Europe: Jazz Lieutenant…He can be reached by e-mail

For Comparisons Of Barack To Historical Black Figures Check Out The Following On W.E. A.L.L. B.E. News & Radio:

Acceptable Blackness Vs. Unforgivable Blackness...

Barack Hussein Obama Ain't No Adam Clayton Powell Jr.!!!

Tha Artstorian Ponders:Is Barack Obama The Sam Cooke of American Politics???

More Related Coverage On W.E. A.L.L. B.E. News & Radio:

If Fox News Gave Cindy McCain The Michelle Obama Treatment…Thoughts Of An Outraged Negro…

Why Obama Did The Wright Thing And How Rev. Wright’s Selfless Sacrifice Saved The Obama Presidency…

The Hypocrisy Of The Media…Min. Farrakhan Was A Guest Of Honor For Key Pa. Hillary Supporter!!!

W.E. A.L.L. B.E. News & Radio Special: Black Liberation Theology 101:

The Rev. Wright Controversy Told Through Video Media:

W.E. A.L.L. B.E. News & Radio Special: Barack Obama & The Hip Hop Effect On American Politics:

W.E. A.L.L. B.E. News & Radio Special~Eyewitness To The Crucifixion: The Last Days Of MLK:


Get Your Barack
Obama "A Legacy Of Hope" T-Shirt Today!!!

1 comment:

wen mew said...

well written!