Monday, October 12, 2009

Blackonomics: Do The Right Thing.

Doing The Right Thing
By: James Clingman 10/07/09

You know, some of our Black owned business owners and Black consumers really “get it.” They fully recognize and understand the importance of mutual support and the seriousness of our economic position in this country. Even more importantly, they act upon those realities by using their businesses and their consumer power as catalysts for positive change and empowerment among African Americans. Why do they do this? Simply because it’s the right thing to do.

Although there are many examples that I could share, here are two that are exemplary of what it means to do the right thing when it comes to economic empowerment. On the business side, we have Compro-Tax, Inc. (, headquartered in Beaumont, Texas, and with 220 local offices throughout the country. On the consumer side, we have John and Maggie Anderson’s Empowerment Experiment: ( This Oak Park, Illinois, family made a one year (January 1, 2009 – December 31, 2009) pledge to live off purchases made at Black owned businesses.

Having known Compro-Tax founder, Jackie Mayfield, for several years, and having witnessed the growth of his company in conjunction with Jackie’s consciousness-raising efforts and his willingness to create opportunities for other entrepreneurs, to say I am impressed with this firm is an understatement.

I attended the grand opening of the Compro Event Center in Beaumont in December 2008, during the 9th annual Cultural and Economic Seminar, and I plan to attend this year on November 20-21, 2009. This event is one of the most productive economic conferences in the country, and now it is held the Black designed, Black constructed, Black wired-for-technology, Black catered, and Black owned and operated Convention Center. See to register for the event, or call 490 840 6338.

Through its dedication to empowerment, Compro-Tax has not only done well for itself, it has also created numerous business opportunities for aspiring entrepreneurs, even to the extent that several have become millionaires after opening their local offices. That opportunity exists for you right now, if you would like to start and grow a recession-proof business. Check out Compro-Tax, Inc. It’s a great company!

Understanding the importance of Black consumers supporting Black businesses, as well as recognizing that empowerment comes from self-help economics, the John and Maggie Anderson have put an end to the rhetoric and lip-service; they are “walking the talk,” as we like to say. Their efforts during 2009 have brought an enormous amount of attention to the fact that Black people can, if we so desire, do much more than we have been doing when it comes to our own economic empowerment.

The Anderson’s are demonstrating the positive effects of self-love; they care enough about their children’s perception of our people to do the right thing by supporting Black businesses. Their celebration of and advocacy for Black owned businesses have started a much-needed economic movement across this country. It’s called the Empowerment Experiment (EE). Their proactive initiative, grounded in their acknowledgment of the unacceptable conditions that exist in Black neighborhoods, has created a groundswell of support and involvement in other cities, by other families who have pledged to do the same as the Anderson’s are doing.

As so-called political conservatives have said for decades, “Blacks should start doing more for themselves; they should take care of their own problems.” Well, John and Maggie Anderson are promoting exactly that, despite the fact that some of those same “conservatives” are responding by calling the Anderson’s “racists” and “separatists.” How silly is that?

Undeterred, this family continues to follow through on its pledge and to date, according to their website, they have spent $53, 453.74 with Black businesses thus far in 2009. I say to them, “Kudos, and much appreciation for doing the right thing.” I say to my readers, “Did you EE today?”

Now here is the exciting part about this: Compro-Tax and the Empowerment Experiment will be together at this year’s Cultural and Economic Seminar. That’s right; Maggie Anderson will speak at the event, which will also include Amefika Geuka, who walked 1,069 miles in support of African centered education; Master Teacher, Chike Akua; Networking Guru, George Fraser, and Tag Team Marketing Executive, Delxino Wilson de Briano. You need to be there too.

I am so proud of Compro-Tax and the Anderson’s, the perfect examples of Black businesses and Black consumers simply doing the right thing, not for self-aggrandizement, not for accolades, not for recognition, but simply because it’s the right thing to do.

Former Editor of the Cincinnati Herald Newspaper, Clingman is the founder of the Greater Cincinnati African American Chamber of Commerce, and has been instrumental in establishing several other Chambers of Commerce around the country, as he continues to promote economic freedom for African Americans. He is an Adjunct Professor at the University of Cincinnati, where he teaches Black Entrepreneurship; he also founded Cincinnati, Ohio’s Entrepreneurship High School in 2001.

His speeches have stirred thousands of conferees and his newspaper articles are sought after by subscribers across the United States and abroad. Mr. Clingman is available for your speaking engagement. You can reach him at (513) 489-4132 or by e-mail at the link that follows ….. Email Clingman for more information.

Clingman’s economic empowerment doctrine stresses consumer education and alliances among African Americans. He offers a refreshing view of the potential within this nation’s Black communities.

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