Thursday, September 30, 2010
[choice] LIFE OVER AIDS Art Exhibit & Opening Reception**Fri. Oct. 1, 2010**5PM C-8PM C
The New Jim Crow' Book Review by Mumia Abu-Jamal
"The New Jim Crow"
[Book Review: 6/30/10]
(c) '10 Mumia Abu-Jamal
{Alexander, Michelle, The New Jim Crow: Mass Incarceration in the Age of Colorblindness. (NY: The New Press, 2010, pp.290)
The book, The New Jim Crow,
offers an unflinching look at the US addiction to imprisonment, and
comes up with a startling diagnosis; American corporate greed, political
opportunism and the exploitation of age old hatred and fears have
congealed to create a monstrous explosion in the world's largest prison
industrial complex. Further, the author, a law professor at Ohio State
University's Moritz College of Law, Michelle Alexander, digs deep into
US history, and deeper still into US criminal law and practice to
conclude that the barbarous system of repression and control known
commonly as Jim Crow, had a rebirth in this era. That's why she calls it: The New Jim Crow.
system of legal discrimination came into being much as the first one
did. After the rout of the South by the Civil War, millions of newly
freed Africans exercised these new rights under Reconstruction. Black
men became senators and legislators across the South. But this period
was short lived, and as soon as possible, states passed harsh laws known
as Black Codes, which denied rights and criminalized behavior by
Blacks, and exposed them to the repression of southern prisons, where
convicts were leased out to labor for others; it was the rebirth of
slavery by other means.
present era began at the height of the US Civil Rights Movement, when
millions of Blacks fought for their rights denied for more than a
concludes that this new system, this new coalescence of economic and
political interests, targeted Blacks, especially those engaged in the
drug industry, as the human capital with which to provide massive
construction, huge prison staffs, and the other appendages of the
apparatus of state repression.
perhaps Alexander's most salient point is her finding that America's
Black population constitutes a 'racial caste' that feeds and perpetuates
mass incarceration [195]
every other societal structure supports this superstructure, from
broken schools, to de-industrialization, to population concentration in
isolated urban ghettoes, to the violence of police, and the silence of
the Black Middle class.
might argue that such a claim seems unsustainable when we see a Black
president, hundreds of black political figures and those in
entertainment and sports. But Alexander explains that every system
allows exceptions, for they serve to legitimize the system and mask its
ugliness and its gross effects upon the majority of Blacks.
example, while it's well-known that apartheid was an overtly racist
system, it allowed Asian and even African American diplomats to live and
work in such a regime, by the political expediency of identifying them
as "honorary whites" in their official papers.
comparing both systems, Alexander argues that the US imprisons more
Blacks both in raw number and per capita than South Africa at the height
of apartheid!
The New Jim Crow - indeed!
--(c) '10 maj
The Power of Truth is Final -- Free Mumia!
URGENT Need for Petition Signatures at: http://www.iacenter.org/mumiapetition/
Audio of most of Mumia's essays are at: http://www.prisonradio.org
got a podcast! Mumia Abu-Jamal's Radio Essays - Subscribe at the
website or on iTunes and get Mumia's radio commentaries online.
PRISONERS V. THE USA, featuring an introduction by Angela Y. Davis --
has been released! It is available from City Lights Books: http://www.citylights.com/book/?GCOI=87286100448090
you are planning to organize an event or would like to order in bulk,
you can also receive a 45% discount on any bulk orders of 20 copies or
more. The book retails for $16.95, for orders of 20 copies or more the
discounted price would be $9.32 per book, plus shipping and handling.
Prepayment would be required and books are nonreturnable. If you or your
organization would like to place a bulk order, please contact Stacey
Lewis at 415.362.1901 or stacey@citylights.com
use the opportunity of the publication of this brilliant, moving,
vintage Mumia book to build the momentum for his case, to raise the
money we desperately need in these challenging economic times, to get
the word out – to produce literature, flyers, posters, videos, DVD's; to
send organizers out to help build new chapters and strengthen old ones,
TO GET THE PEOPLE OUT IN THE STREETS … all the work that we must do in
make a contribution to help free Mumia. Donations to the grassroots
Please mail donations/ checks to:
NY 10030
215 476-8812
Send our brotha some LOVE and LIGHT at:
Mumia Abu-Jamal
AM 8335
175 Progress Drive
Waynesburg, PA 15370
Subscribe: mumiacolumns-subscribe@topica.com
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W.E. A.L.L. B.E. TV: If Memphis Could Talk...The Missing Chapters Part One

A little learning, indeed, may be a dangerous thing, but the want of learning is a calamity to any people.
No man can put a chain about the ankle of his fellow man without at last finding the other end fastened about his own neck.
Man's greatness consists in his ability to do and the proper application of his powers to things needed to be done.
~Frederick Douglass
Tha Artivist Writes:
Memphis has a unique history and culture that is often overlooked in favor of cliche overcommercialized hyped images of Sun Records, Elvis Presley and his Graceland Estate...
With that said Memphis is the cultural commerce capitol of the U.S.A....It is the epicenter of America's True Cultural Crossroads, where great men, great women and great ideas come together to be incubated and groomed for ultimate success in other destinations...
For example, the supermarket as we know it today was started by Clarence Saunders who started Piggly Wiggly in Memphis...Playwright giant Tennessee Williams premiered his first play in Memphis...Singing legend Aretha Franklin was born in South Memphis and literary icon Richard Wright spent part of his childhood growing up in New Chicago in the North Memphis area...
W.E. A.L.L. B.E. TV proudly presents our efforts to date in telling the powerful and historic stories about The City Of Good Abode,both triumphant and tragic, that are not normally well known by its citizens or provided any notice in textbooks used by our school children..It is our hope that what is learned from our efforts will be amplified by people building upon a tradition that is not only exceptional but essential in our understanding of who we are and where we are going by learning where we have been...
Note: High Quality DVDs of the following shows along with supporting materials are available for purchase...Please e-mail us @ r2c2h2@gmail.com for details.
W.E. A.L.L. B.E. TV: Hallelujah! The First All Black Talkie Movie Made In Memphis U.S.A.!!!
as an "all-colored" production, the movie was arguably the first
major-studio attempt to present the lives of African-Americans with
sensitivity and artistry. Although its racial stereotyping may trouble
or embarrass viewers today, it remains probably the most significant
movie ever shot in the Mid-South, and a milestone on the road that led
from Stepin Fetchit to Sidney Poitier to Spike Lee.~John Beifuss of The
Memphis Commercial Appeal
'Hallelujah!' Not
'Hustle And Flow' was the film that put Memphis on the cinematic map.
This episode highlights the first ever Hollywood produced All Black
Cast Talkie Movie featuring the first Black Hollywood Sex Symbol, the
great Nina Mae McKinney. Tha Artivist interviews Ruby Carter, the
daughter of Georgia Woodruff, a featured singer in the film and well
known Memphis Gospel Music Great, about her mom’s role as well as the
historical and cultural significance of the Academy Award nominated
film itself.
Watch The Full Updated Version:
View All 3 Parts On W.E. A.L.L. B.E. TV By Perusing The Following Links:
See Also...
All-Black Memphis Film Honored: 1929 Talkie Named 1 Of '25 Important Motion Pictures'...
W.E. A.L.L. B.E. TV Presents...Tom Lee: A Memphis Hero
Watch The Full Documentary:

Featured Guests: Tom Lee's Descendants (Sis. Charmeal & Bro. Eric Alexander) Share With Us The Awesome Story & Legacy Of Their Ancestor

Left to Right: W.E. A.L.L. B.E.'s Bro. R2C2H2 Tha Artivist, Amnesty International's Bro. David Hinkley & Sis. Charmeal Alexander

R2C2H2 Tha Artivist & Bro. Eric Alexander
Why Tom Lee Is A Hero:
On May 8, 1925 Tom Lee, a Black man who couldn't swim and with help from his trusty small wooden motor boat ZEV, saved 32 prominent white people from drowning in the mighty and unforgiving waters of the Mississippi River. 8 days later he was a guest of honor in the Rose Garden of The White House where he shook hands with U.S. Pres. Calvin Coolidge.
In spite of race relations in those polarizing times, Tom Lee was considered a hero by both the white & Black citizens of Memphis. For his heroism he was awarded a house as well as became the first Black hired by the city.
Real Talk With Tha Artivist interviews the proud descendants of Tom Lee, Sis. Charmeal & Bro. Eric Alexander, on their ancestors legacy as well as their efforts to make sure that others wont forget and hopefully become inspired by Tom Lees example of courage.
Visit The Official Tom Lee Website:
Or You Can Watch The Documentary In Three Parts On Youtube:
*Video*Tom Lee: A Memphis Hero~Part 1 of 3
*Video*Tom Lee: A Memphis Hero~Part 2 of 3
*Video*Tom Lee: A Memphis Hero~Part 3 of 3
Watch The Full Documentary:

Featured Guests: Tom Lee's Descendants (Sis. Charmeal & Bro. Eric Alexander) Share With Us The Awesome Story & Legacy Of Their Ancestor

Left to Right: W.E. A.L.L. B.E.'s Bro. R2C2H2 Tha Artivist, Amnesty International's Bro. David Hinkley & Sis. Charmeal Alexander
R2C2H2 Tha Artivist & Bro. Eric Alexander
Why Tom Lee Is A Hero:
On May 8, 1925 Tom Lee, a Black man who couldn't swim and with help from his trusty small wooden motor boat ZEV, saved 32 prominent white people from drowning in the mighty and unforgiving waters of the Mississippi River. 8 days later he was a guest of honor in the Rose Garden of The White House where he shook hands with U.S. Pres. Calvin Coolidge.
In spite of race relations in those polarizing times, Tom Lee was considered a hero by both the white & Black citizens of Memphis. For his heroism he was awarded a house as well as became the first Black hired by the city.
Real Talk With Tha Artivist interviews the proud descendants of Tom Lee, Sis. Charmeal & Bro. Eric Alexander, on their ancestors legacy as well as their efforts to make sure that others wont forget and hopefully become inspired by Tom Lees example of courage.
Visit The Official Tom Lee Website:
Or You Can Watch The Documentary In Three Parts On Youtube:
*Video*Tom Lee: A Memphis Hero~Part 1 of 3
*Video*Tom Lee: A Memphis Hero~Part 2 of 3
*Video*Tom Lee: A Memphis Hero~Part 3 of 3
*Listen To The Complete Interview On W.E. A.L.L. B.E. Radio!!!*
If Memphis Could Talk~Part 5
W.E. A.L.L. B.E. TV Remembers The Late Great Johnny Ace: Rock-N-Roll's First Star
Christmas Night 55 Years Ago A Man Died & A Legend Was Born…Join Us In Never Forgetting The Late Great Johnny Ace, Rock-N-Roll’s First King
W.E. A.L.L. B.E. TV Special...The Shame Of A City: The Forrest Park Controversy

'The Wizard Of The Saddle' & 'The First Grand Wizard Of The KKK': The (In)Famous Gen. Nathan Bedford Forrest
©photo courtesy of The W.E. A.L.L. B.E. Group
Revisionist History Or Heritage? Forrest's Equestrian Statue Faces South With 'Old Glory' (U.S. Flag) In Background...
The Shame Of A City: The Forrest Park Controversy (Full Documentary):
Or View In Three Parts On Youtube...
Video: The Shame Of A City: The Forrest Park Controversy Part 1 of 3
Video: The Shame Of A City: The Forrest Park Controversy Part 2 of 3
Video: The Shame Of A City: The Forrest Park Controversy Part 3 of 3
For More Related Information On The Legacy of Gen. Nathan Bedford Forrest & The Forrest Park Controversy On W.E. A.L.L. B.E. News:
An Artivist Remembers…The Grand Old School & The Grand Ol’ Wizard: Wash U. & Gen. Forrest http://weallbe.blogspot.com/2009/09/artivist-remembersthe-grand-old-school.html
Monumental Battle: The Genesis Of The Forrest Park Controversy...
W.E. A.L.L. B.E. TV Remembers The Late Great Johnny Ace: Rock-N-Roll's First Star
Christmas Night 55 Years Ago A Man Died & A Legend Was Born…Join Us In Never Forgetting The Late Great Johnny Ace, Rock-N-Roll’s First King
Who Was Johnny Ace???

"Well, just call me Ace, but don't let my momma know, because the first thing she'll want to know is 'What is an Ace?'." - John Alexander Jr. speaking to his original producer, David Mattis, upon coming up with the name change to Johnny Ace in 1952.
"When I heard it ('My Song') I told him, 'God that's nice!'." - Johnny Otis, Rock 'n' Roll Hall Of Famer, who'd go on to produce Ace's most famous sides shortly thereafter, on the charm of Ace's debut record.
"(Ace & Thornton) hit town with such an impact that it caused the whole of 125th and vicinity to just shake, rattle & roll" - R&B Notes trade publication commenting on the response to the Johnny Ace Revue at the Apollo Theater, April 1954.
"Johnny Ace was the most unassuming person. Sweetest thing since sugar." - Evelyn Johnson, operator of the Buffalo Booking Agency, the company for which Ace toured.
"That for me is meaningful music. The singers and musicians I grew up with transcend nostalgia - Johnny Ace is just as valid to me today as then." - Bob Dylan.

(June 9, 1929-Dec. 25, 1954)
View W.E. A.L.L. B.E. TV Special Documentary About Johnny Ace In 3 Parts:
Video:Tha Artivist Remembers The Late Great Johnny Ace...Part One
Video:Tha Artivist Remembers The Late Great Johnny Ace...Part Two
Video:Tha Artivist Remembers The Late Great Johnny Ace...Part Three
See Also
*W.E. A.L.L. B.E. Radio Special*
Topic: Pledging Our Love...The Ultimate Johnny Ace Tribute

"Well, just call me Ace, but don't let my momma know, because the first thing she'll want to know is 'What is an Ace?'." - John Alexander Jr. speaking to his original producer, David Mattis, upon coming up with the name change to Johnny Ace in 1952.
"When I heard it ('My Song') I told him, 'God that's nice!'." - Johnny Otis, Rock 'n' Roll Hall Of Famer, who'd go on to produce Ace's most famous sides shortly thereafter, on the charm of Ace's debut record.
"(Ace & Thornton) hit town with such an impact that it caused the whole of 125th and vicinity to just shake, rattle & roll" - R&B Notes trade publication commenting on the response to the Johnny Ace Revue at the Apollo Theater, April 1954.
"Johnny Ace was the most unassuming person. Sweetest thing since sugar." - Evelyn Johnson, operator of the Buffalo Booking Agency, the company for which Ace toured.
"That for me is meaningful music. The singers and musicians I grew up with transcend nostalgia - Johnny Ace is just as valid to me today as then." - Bob Dylan.

(June 9, 1929-Dec. 25, 1954)
View W.E. A.L.L. B.E. TV Special Documentary About Johnny Ace In 3 Parts:
Video:Tha Artivist Remembers The Late Great Johnny Ace...Part One
Video:Tha Artivist Remembers The Late Great Johnny Ace...Part Two
Video:Tha Artivist Remembers The Late Great Johnny Ace...Part Three
See Also
*W.E. A.L.L. B.E. Radio Special*
Topic: Pledging Our Love...The Ultimate Johnny Ace Tribute
W.E. A.L.L. B.E. TV Special...The Shame Of A City: The Forrest Park Controversy
“Never stand and take a charge... charge them too. “
“No damn man kills me and lives.”
~Nathan Bedford Forrest
“No damn man kills me and lives.”
~Nathan Bedford Forrest
©photo courtesy of The W.E. A.L.L. B.E. Group
Inside Agitators: The Dr. Isaac Richmond led CORR (Commission On
Religion & Racism) protesting the existence of Forrest Park on
April 4, 2009, the 41st anniversary observation of Dr. Martin Luther
King's assassination in 'The City Of Good Abode.'

'The Wizard Of The Saddle' & 'The First Grand Wizard Of The KKK': The (In)Famous Gen. Nathan Bedford Forrest
©photo courtesy of The W.E. A.L.L. B.E. Group
Revisionist History Or Heritage? Forrest's Equestrian Statue Faces South With 'Old Glory' (U.S. Flag) In Background...
The Shame Of A City: The Forrest Park Controversy (Full Documentary):
Or View In Three Parts On Youtube...
Video: The Shame Of A City: The Forrest Park Controversy Part 1 of 3
Video: The Shame Of A City: The Forrest Park Controversy Part 2 of 3
Video: The Shame Of A City: The Forrest Park Controversy Part 3 of 3
See also...
The Gen. Nathan Bedford Forrest Historical Society
The Gen. Nathan Bedford Forrest Historical Society
For More Related Information On The Legacy of Gen. Nathan Bedford Forrest & The Forrest Park Controversy On W.E. A.L.L. B.E. News:
An Artivist Remembers…The Grand Old School & The Grand Ol’ Wizard: Wash U. & Gen. Forrest http://weallbe.blogspot.com/2009/09/artivist-remembersthe-grand-old-school.html
Monumental Battle: The Genesis Of The Forrest Park Controversy...
And Rhythm Was His Business...Jimmie Lunceford: A Memphis Music Legend
Lunceford Has The Best Of All Bands. Duke [Ellington] Is Great, [Count]
Basie Is Remarkable, But Lunceford Tops Them Both."
-- Legendary Swing Band Leader Glenn Miller
Lunceford Was Buried Here In Memphis. The Spot He Occupies Should Have
Something Of A Special Significance. ...He Took A Group Of Relatively
Unsophisticated Memphis Colored Boys And Welded Them Into An
Organization Which Scaled The Heights Of Musical Eminence. ... He
Presented Something New In The Way Of Musical Presentations By Negro
--Legendary Memphis Educator And Syndicated Columnist Nat D. Williams
Although in recent days he was finally awarded a long overdue brass note on the street (Beale Street) that he helped made famous, the tantalizing question still remains for many in the City of Good Abode: Who Was Jimmie Lunceford???
less than 30 minutes R2C2H2 Tha Artivist plans to answer that exact
question with analysis from experts and the people who knew him the
A.L.L. B.E. News Presents…Real Talk With Tha Artivist” takes great
pride and honor in honoring a true gentleman whose creative genius and
legacy knows no boundaries...James “Jimmie” Melvin Lunceford was
considered by many to be among jazz's greatest swing band leaders...His
Orchestra was nicknamed 'The Harlem Express' because of their
overwhelming popularity with the African American community of the 1930s
& 40s...His fame also extended beyond that proud community for
he was also recognized by the larger national and international
audiences as well...
a band composed of his former high school students from the future Jazz
Mecca Manassas High School (where he became the Memphis City Schools'
first high school band director , amazingly starting a world class band
with little start up money or any support from the school system) and
his college buddies from Fisk University, The Jimmie Lunceford Orchestra
eventually became the house band for the legendary Cotton Club in
storied Harlem, NY...The band became wildly famous because of their
exceptional stage shows and the weekly live radio broadcasts from the
club that were heard throughout the entire U.S....
join us in learning more about a man who owned and flew his own
airplanes at a time when Blacks were not allowed to attend flight
schools in the U.S....Learn more about a man who never forgot his
teacher roots and would spend generous sums of money to start and
support music education programs throughout the country to fight
juvenile delinquency and dropout rates...Learn more about the former
star athlete and ambitious teacher who became a movie star and a
headliner & legend in his own time before dying under mysterious
circumstances at the young age of 45 almost 62 years ago...Learn more
about the efforts currently being done to restore this man's rightful
place in the jazz pantheon and to ensure his legacy of perseverance,
creativity, education and hope lives on in our youths and greater
community for generations to come...
For More Information On Jimmie Lunceford & The Jimmie Lunceford Jamboree Festival Please Visit
W.E. A.L.L. B.E. TV~"Jimmie Lunceford: A Memphis Legend"
Not Your Average Joe: Joe B. Scott, Negro Leagues Star

2 Hall Of Fame Worthy Talents: Joe B. Scott & R2C2H2 Tha Artivist
“Real Talk With Tha Artivist” & W.E. A.L.L. B.E. Radio recently interviewed baseball great Mr. Joe B. Scott, one of the last living baseball players to have played his entire career in the Negro Leagues…Mr. Joe B. Scott was discovered by baseball legend Satchel Paige and was the first African American to play Wrigley Field, the home of Major League Baseball's Chicago Cubs...To see the entire three part interview please check out the following videos:
Video*Not Your Average Joe: Joe B. Scott, Negro Leagues Star* Part 1 of 3
Video*Not Your Average Joe: Joe B. Scott, Negro Leagues Star* Part 2 of 3
Video*Not Your Average Joe: Joe B. Scott, Negro Leagues Star* Part 3 of 3
See Also...
Negro League Legends Joe Scott & Others Honored By Major League Baseball...
W.E. A.L.L. B.E. Radio*If Memphis Could Talk Part 7*Not Your Average Joe: Joe B. Scott, Negro Leagues Star:
One Of The Last Living Negro Leagues Baseball Players Gets His Flowers...
Abel & Ready: A Conversion With Mr. Emerson Able, Jr., A Memphis Music Icon
Legendary Memphis Musician, Educator And 2007 Jimmy Lunceford Jamboree Festival Legacy Award Honoree Bro. Emerson Able And R2C2H2 Tha Artivist

View In Three parts On W.E. A.L.L. B.E. TV:
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Who Is Emerson Able, Jr.?
Just want to provide a history note of legendary Memphis music educator and practitioner Mr. Emerson Able, 2007 Jimmie Lunceford Legacy™ Awardee. He comes from a family of entertainers: his grandmother was a piano player and great friend of blues great Alberta Hunter and one of his uncles was a tap dancer in the groundbreaking Hallelujah! The first talkie Hollywood movie with an all Black cast filmed in Memphis...
He was the high school band instructor of Isaac Hayes and eventually kicked him out of the band due to him not taking it seriously. When Isaac recorded at Staxx, he hired Mr. Able to compose his music along with playing tenor saxophone in his band. Mr. Able is also one of the greatest Band instructors in Manassas’ and Memphis City Schools’ history, a position pioneered and started by Mr. Jimmie Lunceford, Memphis City Schools’ first high school band instructor.
As a student at Manassas High School, Mr. Able used to perform in the Manassas Rhythm Bombers Band…On occasion the band received encouragement and instruction from the great Jimmie Lunceford Orchestra when they visited Memphis.
This is just a small contribution that Mr. Able has given to music be it Jazz, Blues, etc. He has thousands and thousands of legacies who have learned from him or been impacted.
I heard him play at the Jimmie Lunceford Wreath Laying Ceremony in June and what a sound he has!
Please take the time to listen. We must learn our history in order to grow from it. It doesn't make any sense to start from scratch when you can learn from others. To Learn More About Mr. Emerson Able and Jimmie Lunceford please visit http://www.jimmieluncefordjam.blogspot.com
And Rhythm Was His Business...Jimmie Lunceford: A Memphis Music Legend (Full Documentary)
Please View All 3 Parts Of This Episode On W.E. A.L.L. B.E. TV By Perusing The Following Links:
Part One
Part Two
Part Three
Please View All 3 Parts Of This Episode On W.E. A.L.L. B.E. TV By Perusing The Following Links:
Part One
Part Two
Part Three
W.E. A.L.L. B.E. TV~"Jimmie Lunceford: A Memphis Legend"
W.E. A.L.L. B.E. News & Radio Special~2nd Annual Jimmie Lunceford Jamboree Festival Radio Program:
W.E. A.L.L. B.E. News & Radio Special~1st Annual Jimmie Lunceford Jamboree Festival Radio Program:
Buy Jimmie Lunceford Art & Gear To Support The Jimmie Lunceford Jamboree Festival Movement...
Not Your Average Joe: Joe B. Scott, Negro Leagues Star

2 Hall Of Fame Worthy Talents: Joe B. Scott & R2C2H2 Tha Artivist
“Real Talk With Tha Artivist” & W.E. A.L.L. B.E. Radio recently interviewed baseball great Mr. Joe B. Scott, one of the last living baseball players to have played his entire career in the Negro Leagues…Mr. Joe B. Scott was discovered by baseball legend Satchel Paige and was the first African American to play Wrigley Field, the home of Major League Baseball's Chicago Cubs...To see the entire three part interview please check out the following videos:
Video*Not Your Average Joe: Joe B. Scott, Negro Leagues Star* Part 1 of 3
Video*Not Your Average Joe: Joe B. Scott, Negro Leagues Star* Part 2 of 3
Video*Not Your Average Joe: Joe B. Scott, Negro Leagues Star* Part 3 of 3
See Also...
Negro League Legends Joe Scott & Others Honored By Major League Baseball...
W.E. A.L.L. B.E. Radio*If Memphis Could Talk Part 7*Not Your Average Joe: Joe B. Scott, Negro Leagues Star:
One Of The Last Living Negro Leagues Baseball Players Gets His Flowers...
Abel & Ready: A Conversion With Mr. Emerson Able, Jr., A Memphis Music Icon
Legendary Memphis Musician, Educator And 2007 Jimmy Lunceford Jamboree Festival Legacy Award Honoree Bro. Emerson Able And R2C2H2 Tha Artivist

View In Three parts On W.E. A.L.L. B.E. TV:
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Who Is Emerson Able, Jr.?
Just want to provide a history note of legendary Memphis music educator and practitioner Mr. Emerson Able, 2007 Jimmie Lunceford Legacy™ Awardee. He comes from a family of entertainers: his grandmother was a piano player and great friend of blues great Alberta Hunter and one of his uncles was a tap dancer in the groundbreaking Hallelujah! The first talkie Hollywood movie with an all Black cast filmed in Memphis...
He was the high school band instructor of Isaac Hayes and eventually kicked him out of the band due to him not taking it seriously. When Isaac recorded at Staxx, he hired Mr. Able to compose his music along with playing tenor saxophone in his band. Mr. Able is also one of the greatest Band instructors in Manassas’ and Memphis City Schools’ history, a position pioneered and started by Mr. Jimmie Lunceford, Memphis City Schools’ first high school band instructor.
As a student at Manassas High School, Mr. Able used to perform in the Manassas Rhythm Bombers Band…On occasion the band received encouragement and instruction from the great Jimmie Lunceford Orchestra when they visited Memphis.
This is just a small contribution that Mr. Able has given to music be it Jazz, Blues, etc. He has thousands and thousands of legacies who have learned from him or been impacted.
I heard him play at the Jimmie Lunceford Wreath Laying Ceremony in June and what a sound he has!
Please take the time to listen. We must learn our history in order to grow from it. It doesn't make any sense to start from scratch when you can learn from others. To Learn More About Mr. Emerson Able and Jimmie Lunceford please visit http://www.jimmieluncefordjam.blogspot.com
Tha Artivist
W.E. A.L.L. B.E. Needs Your Support...Give To Grow The Movement!
Sunday, September 26, 2010
W.E. A.L.L. B.E. Radio Special: Weds. 9/29/2010 @ 9pm c/ 10pm e**Concerning Our Father, Brother & Friend, Mr. Ernest Withers: The Civil Rights Generation Speaks Out! Part 2
Celebrating 3 Years Strong & Still Got It Going On
***Radio Free Dixie For The 21st Century***
September 2010 Theme: Now's The Time...Make It Happen...
Air Date: Weds. September 29, 2010
E-mail: r2c2h2@gmail.com
Time: 9 PM C/10 PM E/7 PM P
Call-in Number: 646-652-4593
***Check Out Also***
W.E. A.L.L. B.E. Radio: "Concerning Our Father, Brother & Friend, Ernest Withers: The Civil Rights Generation Speaks Out!" Part 1
Featured & Honorable Guests:
1.) Civil Rights Legend & Dr. King Lieutenant, The Honorable Rev. C.T. Vivian
See also...
W.E. A.L.L. B.E. Radio: The Past Is Always Present...Another Conversation With Rev. C.T. Vivian
W.E. A.L.L. B.E. Radio: On Haiti, King, Obama, Race, Religion & Other Matters: A Conversation With The Honorable Rev. C.T. Vivian
"In Silent Solidarity: Remembering 'The Silent March' With Rev. C.T. Vivian" On W.E. A.L.L. B.E. TV's Blip TV Channel:
Also Read...
In Silent Solidarity: Tha Artivist Takes Part In The 50th Anniversary Of The Silent March
2.) The Honorable Judge D'Army Bailey,
Legendary Civil Rights Activist & The Founder Of The National Civil Rights Museum

W.E. A.L.L. B.E. Radio: Education Of A Black Radical...Exclusive Interview With The Honorable Judge D'Army Bailey
W.E. A.L.L. B.E. TV Premiere: The Education Of A Black Radical...View It Now...
Was He Or Wasn't He?
Decide For Yourself...

Ernest Withers was once called The Dean Of Civil Rights Photographers for his amazing ability to be on the scene to turn extraordinary history-in-the-making-events with his camera into acclaimed iconic moments for posterity. Whether it was photographing the Emmett Till Trial, Dr. King's first ride on a Montgomery City Bus after a successful 381 day bus boycott, The Memphis Sanitation Workers' Strike complete with the very universal I AM A Man protest placards or the tragic death scene of a King for all of humanity (MLK), Mr. Withers' artistry spoke truth to power to both the good and the bad of the human condition and his work is forever seared (and defiantly so) into the consciousnesses of the National Memory.
However, with the revelation of him allegedly being involved with the FBI as an informant, his character, motives and intentions have now all been called into question. A person once so trusted and revered that he was given intimate and unrestricted access to some of the most dynamic personalities and icons of a people's movement is now being labeled as a traitor and Judas. With the scheduled opening of the Ernest C. Withers Museum, his former studio, on legendary Beale Street next month, and the Withers Family waging a legal battle for control over their late father's intellectual property, will this accusation forever tar and feather an otherwise deserving and invaluable aesthetic legacy of providing emotionally riveting teaching moments in images from such a turbulent and yet hopeful time in U.S. history?
One must also question the timing of this revelation:
*Who is served by amplifying the shortcomings, both real and perceived, of Ernest Withers the man?
*Who will control the narrative of a People's movement once control over Withers' invaluable contribution to a People's history is settled in the courts?
*What is to be gained and what is to be lost?
*What role has the U.S. Government played in undermining the civil liberties and human rights of its citizens?
*What really was the nature and quality of the information given to the FBI by Bro. Withers?
*Was Bro. Withers' participation consensual or forced through the FBI's abuse of power?
*Did Bro. Withers' supposed information sharing truly undermine the nature and purpose of a People's Movement?
*Did people needlessly get killed or sent to prison because of his alleged collaboration?
*In terms of being an alleged informant with an impressive professional legacy, how does Withers fare in comparison with other proven informants and exceptional peers from the Civil Rights Era such as Thurgood Marshall and Alex Haley?
In a 4-part series, W.E. A.L.L. B.E. News attempts to provide food for thought analysis on the subject by talking with the folks who knew Mr. Withers the best: his family, civil rights movement veterans and journalists who covered the American Civil Rights Movement. We will also garner responses from this current generation of news media journalists. We will attempt to put both Mr. Withers the man and his work in their appropriate contexts, something the corporate news media has failed miserably at doing up to this point. What will be revealed will be very eye opening and will prompt the listeners and participants alike to face uncomfortable truths and questions that need to be answered with more than just nuanced responses and cliches from a clueless pundit. It will also force many in the general public to rethink their previous positions on the matter as well.
In the words of Flavor Flav: Don't Believe The Hype!
Contact An American Civil Rights Veteran Today:
The Commercial Appeal Story That Started The Controversy
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P.O. Box 752062
Memphis, TN 38175***
topic: "Concerning Our Father, Brother & Friend, Ernest Withers: The Civil Rights Generation Speaks Out!"Part 2
***Check Out Also***
W.E. A.L.L. B.E. Radio: "Concerning Our Father, Brother & Friend, Ernest Withers: The Civil Rights Generation Speaks Out!" Part 1
Featured & Honorable Guests:
1.) Civil Rights Legend & Dr. King Lieutenant, The Honorable Rev. C.T. Vivian

See also...
W.E. A.L.L. B.E. Radio: The Past Is Always Present...Another Conversation With Rev. C.T. Vivian
W.E. A.L.L. B.E. Radio: On Haiti, King, Obama, Race, Religion & Other Matters: A Conversation With The Honorable Rev. C.T. Vivian
"In Silent Solidarity: Remembering 'The Silent March' With Rev. C.T. Vivian" On W.E. A.L.L. B.E. TV's Blip TV Channel:
You Can Watch It In Three Parts On W.E. A.L.L. B.E. TV's YouTube Channel:
In Silent Solidarity: Remembering 'The Silent March' With Rev. C.T. Vivian Part 1
In Silent Solidarity: Remembering 'The Silent March' With Rev. C.T. Vivian Part 2
In Silent Solidarity: Remembering 'The Silent March' With Rev. C.T. Vivian Part 3
Also Read...
In Silent Solidarity: Tha Artivist Takes Part In The 50th Anniversary Of The Silent March
2.) The Honorable Judge D'Army Bailey,
Legendary Civil Rights Activist & The Founder Of The National Civil Rights Museum

"The Education Of A
Black Radical: A Southern Civil Rights Activist's Journey 1959-1964,"
by D'Army Bailey (Louisiana State University Press, $28)...Buy It @ Amazon.com:
A.L.L. B.E. Books: 'The Education Of A Black Radical' Makes It Plain On
What It Means To Be Young, Gifted & Black In America
http://weallbe.blogspot.com/2010/02/we-all-be-books-review-education-of.html Video:
W.E. A.L.L. B.E. Radio: Education Of A Black Radical...Exclusive Interview With The Honorable Judge D'Army Bailey
W.E. A.L.L. B.E. TV Premiere: The Education Of A Black Radical...View It Now...
Was He Or Wasn't He?
Decide For Yourself...

Sanitation workers' strike. Memphis, Tenn. March 28, 1968 / Ernest Withers, Panopticon Gallery, Boston, Mass.
“The media's the most powerful entity on earth. They have the power to make the innocent guilty and to make the guilty innocent, and that's power. Because they control the minds of the masses."
“The media's the most powerful entity on earth. They have the power to make the innocent guilty and to make the guilty innocent, and that's power. Because they control the minds of the masses."
~Malcolm X
"The people must know before they can act, and there is no educator to compare with the press." ~Ida B. Wells-Barnett
"Human salvation lies in the hands of the creatively maladjusted."~Dr. Martin Luther King
Ernest Withers was once called The Dean Of Civil Rights Photographers for his amazing ability to be on the scene to turn extraordinary history-in-the-making-events with his camera into acclaimed iconic moments for posterity. Whether it was photographing the Emmett Till Trial, Dr. King's first ride on a Montgomery City Bus after a successful 381 day bus boycott, The Memphis Sanitation Workers' Strike complete with the very universal I AM A Man protest placards or the tragic death scene of a King for all of humanity (MLK), Mr. Withers' artistry spoke truth to power to both the good and the bad of the human condition and his work is forever seared (and defiantly so) into the consciousnesses of the National Memory.
However, with the revelation of him allegedly being involved with the FBI as an informant, his character, motives and intentions have now all been called into question. A person once so trusted and revered that he was given intimate and unrestricted access to some of the most dynamic personalities and icons of a people's movement is now being labeled as a traitor and Judas. With the scheduled opening of the Ernest C. Withers Museum, his former studio, on legendary Beale Street next month, and the Withers Family waging a legal battle for control over their late father's intellectual property, will this accusation forever tar and feather an otherwise deserving and invaluable aesthetic legacy of providing emotionally riveting teaching moments in images from such a turbulent and yet hopeful time in U.S. history?
One must also question the timing of this revelation:
*Who is served by amplifying the shortcomings, both real and perceived, of Ernest Withers the man?
*Who will control the narrative of a People's movement once control over Withers' invaluable contribution to a People's history is settled in the courts?
*What is to be gained and what is to be lost?
*What role has the U.S. Government played in undermining the civil liberties and human rights of its citizens?
*What really was the nature and quality of the information given to the FBI by Bro. Withers?
*Was Bro. Withers' participation consensual or forced through the FBI's abuse of power?
*Did Bro. Withers' supposed information sharing truly undermine the nature and purpose of a People's Movement?
*Did people needlessly get killed or sent to prison because of his alleged collaboration?
*In terms of being an alleged informant with an impressive professional legacy, how does Withers fare in comparison with other proven informants and exceptional peers from the Civil Rights Era such as Thurgood Marshall and Alex Haley?
In a 4-part series, W.E. A.L.L. B.E. News attempts to provide food for thought analysis on the subject by talking with the folks who knew Mr. Withers the best: his family, civil rights movement veterans and journalists who covered the American Civil Rights Movement. We will also garner responses from this current generation of news media journalists. We will attempt to put both Mr. Withers the man and his work in their appropriate contexts, something the corporate news media has failed miserably at doing up to this point. What will be revealed will be very eye opening and will prompt the listeners and participants alike to face uncomfortable truths and questions that need to be answered with more than just nuanced responses and cliches from a clueless pundit. It will also force many in the general public to rethink their previous positions on the matter as well.
In the words of Flavor Flav: Don't Believe The Hype!
Contact An American Civil Rights Veteran Today:
Tha Artivist Remembers Ernest Withers (1922-2007)...
The Commercial Appeal Story That Started The Controversy
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