Friday, December 21, 2012

W.E. A.L.L. B.E. Needs Your Support...Give To Grow The Movement!

“The media's the most powerful entity on earth. They have the power to make the innocent guilty and to make the guilty innocent, and that's power. Because they control the minds of the masses."
~Malcolm X

"The people must know before they can act, and there is no educator to compare with the press." ~Ida B. Wells-Barnett

"Human salvation lies in the hands of the creatively maladjusted."~Dr. Martin Luther King

Dear Family:

Ask Not What W.E. A.L.L. B.E. Can Do For You, Ask What You Can Do For W.E. A.L.L. B.E.!!!

First and foremost let me thank everyone for supporting this idea known as W.E. A.L.L. B.E. News, Radio & TV...This baby is approaching her fifth year anniversary and like any proud parent I would like to brag about my beautiful baby or let me rephrase it our beautiful baby...For it takes a village, online and off, to raise a child...

This journey of W.E. A.L.L. B.E. News, Radio & TV has been any and everything, but predictable...April 2006 was the birth month and year of this curious wunderkind, but its arrival has been many years in the making...2010 will mark another phase in the development of this child...Just like everyone else W.E. A.L.L. B.E. looking for change in this new Age of Obama...

And you can count on W.E. A.L.L. B.E. News, Radio & TV being a part of the spearhead  of the vanguard leading the charge...As a matter of fact we want you all to join us in the charge up the hill into the stratosphere of infinite possibilities and hope...

W.E. A.L.L. B.E. News & Radio has grown exponentially and phenomenally over these four short years...The news blog has over 400,000 plus unique visitors and the internet radio has just passed the 300,000 download mark and we are quickly on our way to 500,000 and beyond...Gandhi once said we must 'be the change that we want to see in the world'...I wanted to share what was in my head with the rest of the world...And so for better or worse, here W.E. A.L.L. B.E. now...

Frederick Douglass once said that "it is easier to raise strong children than it is to repair broken men"...Help me raise our child into maturity...Do What You Can, When You Can, Where You Can, How You Can And If You Can.

How Can We Help W.E. A.L.L. B.E. Be All That It Can Be You May Ask???

The following are suggestions not commandments:

1.) Donate your 'spare change for change' as well as make out checks and money orders and send to our mailing address:

Attn: Ron Herd II/R2C2H2 Tha Artivist
The W.E. A.L.L. B.E. Group, Inc.
P.O. Box 752062
Memphis, TN 38175
(Note: Make Your Checks & Money Orders Out Ron Herd II, Donations Not Tax Deductible)


2.) We Also Accept Contributions Via PayPal Online:


3.) $ Buy Ad Space On W.E. A.L.L. B.E. News, Radio & TV $
E-mail us @ and/or call us @ 901-299-4355 so we can show you how you can share your success and wealth with W.E. A.L.L. B.E. News, Radio & TV...


4.) Hire W.E. A.L.L. B.E. Founder & C.E.A. (Chief Executive Artivist) R2C2H2 Tha Artivist
A True Public Intellectual With The Interest And Welfare @ Heart Of 'We The People', Tha Artivist will not only ‘edutain’, but will also impart priceless knowledge at affordable prices...Click the link for more info:

5.) Have you or your organization host a fundraiser event for W.E. A.L.L. B.E. News, Radio & TV...
Please Contact us through e-mail or phone 901-299-4355 for more info...


6.) Buy W.E. A.L.L. B.E. News & Radio Art & Gear:

Thank You Fam For Your Love & Consideration...In The Words Of The Great Marcus Garvey "Look For Me In The Whirlwind"...

W.E. A.L.L. B.E. Sincerely Yours,

Tha Artivist MBA
Founder Of The W.E. A.L.L. B.E. Group, Inc.
Ph- 901-299-4355

W.E. A.L.L. B.E.'S Purpose

 Copyright 2006 Image is Property of R2C2H2/Ronald Herd II

"All religions, arts and sciences are branches of the same tree."
--Albert Einstein

“There are those who look at things the way they are, and ask why... I dream of things that never were, and ask why not?”
--Robert Kennedy

"I know that there is a spark in every person which will respond and glow to the touch of beauty. Because I know this, I am going to continue presenting beauty to the world until I ignite that spark in people's hearts."
"My mission is to teach the world how to love beautiful things."
"Space is the Place."
---Sun Ra

Welcome to the news action and education forum known as W.E. A.L.L. B.E!!!

W. E. A.L.L. B.E. MEANS:




The purpose of W.E. A.L.L. B.E. is to engage people of all walks of life in a constructive, creative and productive dialogue on the issues of our day whether it be the arts, race, religion, class, sexuality, economics, education, entertainment, environment etc.

W.E. A.L.L. B.E. knows the only way we are going to get to the point where we all can learn to embrace and love one another is that we all must first learn how to embrace and love ourselves (KNOWLEDGE OF SELF)...IGNORANCE ISN'T BLISS IT'S DANGEROUS...True knowledge is empowerment and empowerment is created from speaking truth to power by taking action...True power is manifested from our soul and imagination.

The purpose of W.E. A.L.L. B.E. is to teach people to love (at least tolerate and/or better understand) and respect the diversity of all people regardless of point of view, race, sexual orientation, socio-economic status etc.

W.E. A.L.L. B.E. believes that in order to eradicate ignorance and mis-education that we all must play a part in educating each other about ourselves, hence "each one teach one." Another one of W.E. A.L.L. B.E.'s purposes is to present many sides of the issue and let the individual not society decide where he/she should stand on a issue by providing as much creditable information as possible.

W.E. A.L.L. B.E. is a news-action (not action-news) organization meaning that it is a news forum that's dedicated to creating our own news by actively pursuing and letting all voices be heard on any of the issues of our day.

W.E. A.L.L. B.E. believes that we all can solve our problems by extending the dialogue beyond the newspaper headlines and scroller at the bottom of cable news network channels…KNOWLEDGE IS VERY EMPOWERING IF YOU KNOW HOW TO APPLY IT TO BETTER NOT ONLY YOURSELF, BUT ALSO THE CONDITIONS AND THE PEOPLE AROUND YOU.



W.E. A.L.L. B.E. is looking forward to hearing from you all soon!!!

Remember The Revolution Won't Be Televised But It Will Be Blogged, Podcasted & Now Broadcasted Online!!!

Artastically, Communally & Revolutionarily Yours,
Tha Artivist
W.E. A.L.L. B.E. Founder and Minister of Information

To see or rather "hear" how far W.E. A.L.L. B.E. News & Radio has come please listen to the first broadcast, Jan. 7, 2007:

Also check out how good we were in "2008 a.k.a. The Year Of Citizen Radio":

*Support W.E. A.L.L. B.E. News & Radio!!!*

The W.E. A.L.L. B.E. Needing Funds Drive For W.E. A.L.L. B.E. News & Radio Begins...

W.E. A.L.L. B.E. Supporting W.E. A.L.L. B.E. News & Radio: Buy Art & Gear For 'The Cause' Today!!!

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Fri. Nov. 30 from 7pm c-9pm c, r2c2h2 art opening @ The Blues Foundation...Unveil South Main Artwalk Launch Party 5pm c - 7pm c...Both Free & Open To The Public!!!

r2c2h2 tha artivist in the mix with his many pics...(Photo Credit: Sis. Damara Rochelle Hamlin)

***For Immediate Release***


Bro. Ron Herd II aka r2c2h2 tha artivist

phone: 901-299-4355



twitter: @weallbe @r2c2h2

 On Friday November 30 from 7pm c-9pm c please join r2c2h2 tha artivist @ his art opening @ The Blues Foundation (421 S Main Street), the international headquarters for the Blues in Memphis,Tn!!!  A historic, fun, 'edutaining' and 'artastic' event you won't soon forget!!! Free & Open to the public!!!

A Very Family Friendly Event!!! 

***r2c2h2 tha artvist will be giving a great art talk @ 7:30pm...You don't want to miss this!!!***

A Night Of 20 Exhibits...

This exhibit is one of many which are all part of the the Unveil South Main Artwalk Exhibition series...The Opening Reception Party will be from 5pm c-7pm c at the Jack Robinson Gallery (44 Huling Ave.)

About Unveil South Main Artwalk & Exhibition

20 artists have been selected from across the regional to exhibit in 20 spaces in the South Main District for 20 days as a part of the Unveil South Main Artwalk & Exhibition. This artwalk, taking place November 30 – December 19, brings together local artists with local businesses to celebrate South Main's creative economy.  With established galleries, Memphis College of Art’s Graduate School, and ArtSpace coming soon, this quirky, creative arts community provides the perfect canvas for this event.

The selected artists were chosen from nearly 100 submissions by a Selection Committee comprised of artists and curators.  Artists were then assigned a makeshift gallery space in a retail or restaurant space in South Main.  Artists will exhibit 8 – 10 pieces and are allowed to keep 100% of proceeds from sales.  Artists are donating one auction piece that will benefit the South Main Association, the organization that hosts the monthly South Main Trolley Night event.

Everyone is invited to attend a Unveil South Main Launch Party on Friday, November 30 at Jack Robinson Gallery from 5 -7 pm.  Auction items will be on display at this event.  Following the party, artists will proceed to their individual galleries for opening receptions from 7 -9 pm.  From November 31 – December 19, auction items will be on display at The Blues Foundation, 421 S Main Street, and available for online bidding and viewing on this site.

A panel of judges will view installed exhibits on November 30 starting at 12 noon to determine cash prizes.

Best in Show: $1000 

First Place: $750  

Second Place: $500

For more info please visit

Friday, November 23, 2012

‘The Brotherhood’ & ‘The Legacy’ 2 FOR 40$: Artworks Honoring Dean James E. McLeod & Dr. John B. Ervin

‘The Brotherhood’ & ‘The Legacy’ 2 FOR 40$: Artworks Honoring Dean James E. McLeod & Dr. John B. Ervin
The Dean & Tha Artivist

'The Legacy'
 'The Legacy' (2011) By r2c2h2 tha artivist (washington university in st. louis class of 2002)

On November 4, 2011, a framed print of 'The Legacy' was presented to Sis. Clara McLeod, the widow of Dean McLeod and one of the early supporters of the art career of Tha Artivist, at the closing reception of ‘Ronald Herd II: The Most Known UnKnown’ art exhibition @ The Nu-Art Series Metropolitan Art Gallery.

 'The Brotherhood'
 "The Brotherhood" (2012) by r2c2h2 tha artivist aka Ronald Cortez Herd II
Bro. Ron Herd II aka r2c2h2 tha artivist (Wash U, Class of 2002) presenting framed prints of "The Brotherhood" to the widows of Dean James McLeod (Sis. Clara McLeod, left) and Dr. John B. Ervin (Sis. Jane Ervin, right) @ The 25th John B. Ervin Scholars Banquet Celebration (The Marriott @ Union Station Banquet Hall, St. Louis, Mo, 9/15/2012).

2 for $40

“To whom much is given, much is required.”~Dr. John B. Ervin

Greetings and Happy Holidays Family!!!
For a limited time I will be selling commemorative art prints honoring the beautiful legacies of Dr. John B. Ervin, Dean James E. McLeod and The John B. Ervin Scholars Program…I created these two works over a year span and now I would like for everyone associated with these legacies to own a copy of these works for themselves...

For a limited time I will be selling limited run prints of these artworks for 2 for 40$ (plus $6 shipping and handling)…Normally one print would cost $25 (plus 6$ shipping & handling)…The prints on these works are limited so order while supplies last…Part of proceeds from sale will benefit the John B. Ervin Scholars & Dean James McLeod Scholar Programs respectively…So do a good deed and get rewarded for it also!!! These also make great gifts for friends and family who are familiar with the beautiful legacies of these men and the generous work of their namesake programs…

For Just $40 plus $6 shipping and handling ($46 total) this commemorative piece of history can be yours…All 11" x 17" prints (10.5" x 14" in actual image size) are signed by the artist and are limited edition…

You can order online using the following PayPal link:

Or you can make out a check and/or money order to me and mail it to the following address:
Attn: Ronald Herd II
Legacy/Brotherhood Art
P.O. Box 752062
Memphis, TN 38175

*To learn more about the meaning of ‘The Brotherhood’ go to the following link:

*To learn more about the meaning of ‘The Legacy’ go to the following link:
***You can still buy single prints of both ‘The Legacy’ and ‘The Brotherhood’ for $25 each (plus $6 shipping and handling)…You can use the following links below to access those options:
Own 'The Legacy' Today!!!

Own ‘The Brotherhood’ Today!!!

Ervinly yours,
Bro. Ron Herd II aka r2c2h2 tha artivist
Ervin Class of 2002
Phone: 901-299-4355

Monday, November 12, 2012

11/15/2012~Celebrating Jimmie Lunceford and Manassas High @ Rhodes College

Ron Herd II aka r2c2h2 tha artivist
Phone: 901-299-4355

"Jimmie Lunceford has the best of all bands. Duke [Ellington] is great, [Count] Basie is
remarkable, but Lunceford tops them both."

-- Legendary Swing Band Leader Glenn Miller

The Mike Curb Institute for Music invites you to Rhodes College in Memphis,TN, on Thursday, November 15 for a very special evening honoring Jimmie Lunceford and the musical legacy of Manassas High School.

In honor of Lunceford’s 110th Birthday and the 65th Anniversary of his Death, a series of events will be held that explore his legacy as a famous bandleader during the Swing Era of the 1930s and 1940s, and his
role as band director at Manassas High School, where he became the father of jazz education in the United States.

The rich musical tradition of Manassas High School will also be a point of exploration and celebration during the evening.Among the school’s distinguished alumni are Gerald Wilson, George Coleman, Booker Little, Hank Crawford, Frank Strozier,Charles Lloyd, Emerson Able Jr., Harold Mabern, Howard Grimes, and
Isaac Hayes.
“Celebrating Jimmie Lunceford and the Music of Manassas High”
Thursday, November 15, 2012
Rhodes College

* 5:00 p.m. – Reception and viewing of Rhodes Student research on Manassas (Crain Reception Hall)

* 6:15 p.m. – Panel Discussion featuring Emerson Able, Jr. and Ron MBA Herd II aka r2c2h2 tha artivist (McCallum Ballroom)

* 7:30 p.m. – Concert featuring the Rhodes Jazz Band
with special guest vocalist and Manassas alumna Earlice Taylor (McCallum

* In addition to and in conjunction with our events,
Emerson Able, Jr. will be presented with a Beale Street Brass Note on
Wednesday, November 14 at 5:30 p.m. at the Historic Daisy Theater on
Beale Street.

***All Events Are Free And Open To The Public.***

 For more about Jimmie Lunceford and the Jimmie Lunceford Jamboree Festival (JLJF) please visit

Tuesday, October 02, 2012

Tha Artivist: What It Means To Have 'Access' In The 21st Century...

   /ˈæksɛs/ Show Spelled Pronunciation [ak-ses] Show IPA
1. the ability, right, or permission to approach, enter, speak with, or use; admittance: They have access to the files.
2. the state or quality of being approachable: The house was difficult of access.
3. a way or means of approach: The only access to the house was a rough dirt road.
4. Theology. approach to God through Jesus Christ.
5. an attack or onset, as of a disease.
6. a sudden and strong emotional outburst.
7. accession.
8. public-access television.
–verb (used with object)
9. to make contact with or gain access to; be able to reach, approach, enter, etc.: Bank customers can access their checking accounts instantly through the new electronic system.
10. Computers. to locate (data) for transfer from one part of a computer system to another, generally between an external storage device and main storage.
11. Television. (of programming, time, etc.) available to the public: Six channels now offer access services.

1275–1325; ME accesse (< href="">
Unabridged Based on the Random House Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2009.

"Rarely do we find men who willingly engage in hard, solid thinking. There is an almost universal quest for easy answers and half-baked solutions. Nothing pains some people more than having to think." ~Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

Access is very important in not only creating opportunities for those who seek them, but for also creating options for a better life that can be enjoyed by all humankind. When people have access regardless of its implications or their occupation/ station in life, they are morally duty bound to use their access to not only benefit themselves, but to empower those who don’t have the access. Access means accountability and when you are accountable you are obligated to do what is fair and just. It is fair and just that everyone has access to a living wage, affordable housing, healthcare, education, a healthy environment and opportunities to give back.

When access is granted or favored to an individual or collective, they must be prepared to work and think hand in hand in order to ensure that they maximize and capitalize off the access to the fullest extent possible. However, access also means that ‘work smarter and not harder’ is the mantra and the law because knowledge applied is power manifested.

When one abuses one’s access it has a butterfly effect on the entire world. Recently, we have witnessed how greed and betrayal can undermine trust and support in the free market system of economics favored by western civilization. We now have a growing poverty class in our country and around the world. The middle class is evaporating because their pay doesn’t match the work and commitment they sometimes make to corporations where higher execs get bonuses whether or not their organizations make a profit or keep from laying off lower level employees. People personally and systemically abuse access when we can live in a country with first rate educational institutions and healthcare and yet many still receive third world educational opportunities and medical access.

To whom much is given much is expected. When one is blessed with access one should be blessed with the spirit of selflessness, compassion and empathy. We all must live, haves as well as have nots & have littles, in this global community together. Access means we should not be afraid of each other, but we should rather celebrate our differences, find solidarity in our similarities and hope in our disagreements. Having access means being diplomatic and thoughtful. Having access means letting others have their say while you attentively listen.

When one truly has access, one’s generosity should be limitless. A true legacy is not what you can empirically acquire and horde for yourself, but what you have done in the service of others. How has your life’s example and lifetime of giving impacted those around you as well as future generations not yet born??? Are you giving more and taking less??? Your legacy determines if you leave the world in a better shape than when you inherited it. Living a life of accessibility should allow you to plant seeds in different climates and environments that will heap bountiful harvests in different seasons. When one enjoys the luxuries of access one must think and act like Johnny Appleseed and not Ebenezer Scrooge.

Access means that it will be in the best interest of all to ensure that humanity has a chance to develop its potential by providing the correct stimulus needed for exceptional achievement and greatness to develop.

Access means we must come face to face with truth and reconciliation. If we are to truly be a more perfect union in terms of humanity then we must all admit to the inhumane treatment suffered in the past as well as presently by diverse members of our human family. We must commit our resources to make sure that these wrongs are righted and that our future generations don’t have to deal with the mess and fall off left by irresponsible and stubborn predecessors.

Access means that we as a society have economic opportunities for those graduating from Yale as well as for those coming home from jail. Access means creating an environment where teaching young people how to channel their passions and talents to become successful is the norm and not the exception. Access means socially engaging and training the people to control their own community’s economic destiny by becoming social entrepreneurs. Everybody should have access to become productive citizens of our society.

Having access means fighting for the things we can’t live without and compromising on the things we can live with. Having access means creating an open and transparent society where trust can be the foundational cement in building pro-active and ethical coalitions that will inspire others to put their best efforts forward and their individual and collective talents to good use for the greater good. Having access means being brutally honest with the person staring back at you in the mirror. Access means focusing on the constructive in constructive criticism. Having access means never resting on your laurels and always being open to evaluation, evolution and innovation, setting the benchmark for others to emulate and eventually break and top. Having access means the last will be first and the first will be last.

I always tell people that the revolution won’t be televised, but it will be blogged, podcasted and broadcasted online. With that said we must take advantage of the internet because it is truly one of the last frontiers in advancing a very humanistic agenda and philosophy. What makes it potent is the access of invaluable and even irrelevant information at a touch of a keypad. However, where it could be useful in terms of disseminating invaluable information, many of us unfortunately use it to produce impotent effects.

When you have access one must be aware of how to use their tools wisely. When you don’t discipline yourself to get the most and best out of your resources than you are truly limiting and marginalizing yourself and the greater world of possibilities that exist for imagination and invention. The internet is a valuable weapon in countering and eliminating the intergenerational divide as well as eliminating poverty of the mind, body and spirit. Those with access must take a proactive approach and lead in distributing this wealth of knowledge to the masses.

I myself have proclaimed the 21st Century to be the century of the cosmopolitan citizen. Our global community is really just that, a community. Technology has made it where talking to people across the oceans and continents is like talking to your next door neighbors in the backyard. With that said it is up to us, those with the access, to initiate a global neighborhood watch where we the people will be held with the duty of safeguarding our resources. We the people will be ethically accountable and responsible for our individual selves as well as for our collective future and destiny.

In conclusion, access means hope, change and opportunity all rolled up into one term: action. It takes action to make access work and make things happen. Noted global citizen and former U.S. President Teddy Roosevelt once said to “do what you can, with what you have, where you are.” So with that said we all must be active in using our access to resources to promote the change and hope we wish to see in the world. Access is not a privilege, it’s a necessity.

Remember The Revolution Won't Be Televised But It Will Be Blogged, Podcasted & Now Broadcasted Online!!!

Artastically, Communally & Revolutionarily Yours,

Tha Artivist
W.E. A.L.L. B.E. Founder and Minister of Information

To see or rather "hear" how far W.E. A.L.L. B.E. News & Radio has come please listen to the first broadcast, Jan. 7, 2007:

Also check out how good we were in "2008 a.k.a. The Year Of Citizen Radio":

*Support W.E. A.L.L. B.E. News & Radio!!!*

The W.E. A.L.L. B.E. Needing Funds Drive For W.E. A.L.L. B.E. News & Radio Begins...

W.E. A.L.L. B.E. Supporting W.E. A.L.L. B.E. News & Radio: Buy Art & Gear For 'The Cause' Today!!!

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Writing & Living The Time Of Eddie Noel: A Conversation With Allie Povall

 Eddie Noel Was Real!!!

How could a Black man kill 3 white men, elude a 1,000 man posse intent on getting him more dead than alive for 3 weeks in a forest during a harsh winter while never getting caught, being tried and sentenced to death in 1950s Jim Crow Mississippi??? Yes it is a true story!!! Tune in and find out!!! W.E. A.L.L. B.E. TV interviewed Bro. Allie Povall, the author of  The Time of Eddie Noel which effectively explores the dynamics behind this incredible but true story which for some reason is not well known in the annals of American Civil Rights and Black histories...Bro. Allie Povall is a native of Holmes County,MS, and was only 12 when the events in the story took place...

#WEALLBETV: The Real Django Unchained & Before Emmett Till: Witnessing The Time Of Eddie Noel With Allie Povall

 In January 1954, about eighteen months prior to young Emmett Tills' murder and only forty miles away, a young black man named Eddie Noel shot and killed a white honky-tonk operator named Willie Ramon Dickard.

Dickard's killing by Noel led to formation of perhaps the largest posse in Mississippi history, its members fueled by hatred, outrage, and in some cases, white lightning. Noel took on elements of the posse in two gunfights, killing two more white men and wounding three others. Noel was never caught, never tried, never convicted, and never went to prison.

This is the story of how and why these things happened. It is the story of a time and a place and a social system that are long past. And it is the story of a young man, who defied extraordinary odds and a system that had condemned him to a certain death from the moment he stood up to a white man. The Time of Eddie Noel is a rich history filled with colorful details of a time and a place when the Deep South stood at the threshold of the civil rights movement, which would forever change both the region and the social system that governed the lives of its people, both black and

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Own 'The Brotherhood': Artwork Honoring Dean McLeod, John B. Ervin and other St. Louis Education Pioneers.

Bro. Ron Herd II aka r2c2h2 tha artivist (Wash U, Class of 2002) presenting framed prints of "The Brotherhood" to the widows of Dean James McLeod (Sis. Clara McLeod, left) and Dr. John B. Ervin (Sis. Jane Ervin, right) @ The 25th John B. Ervin Scholars Banquet Celebration (The Marriott @ Union Station Banquet Hall, St. Louis, Mo, 9/15/2012).

The Meaning Behind "The Brotherhood"

"The Brotherhood" (2012) by r2c2h2 tha artivist aka Ronald Cortez Herd II

An original work of art created by r2c2h2 tha artivist (Ronald Cortez Herd II) to honor the incomparable late great Dean James McLeod and the league of extraordinary gentlemen he now finds himself in, true pioneers of education and empowerment in Black St. Louis History in particular, the St. Louis community in general and beyond...

Pictured from Right to Left Bottom:

Dean James McLeod (the former director of The John B. Ervin Scholars Program and former Vice Chancellor @ Wash U.).
Dr. John B. Ervin (the first Black dean @ Washington University aka Wash U in St. Louis and Dean McLeod's mentor). 
 Walter Moran Farmer (the first Black graduate of Wash U., Class of 1889---he received a law degree and became one of the first Black lawyers to practice before both the Missouri and U.S. Supreme Courts respectively)...

Vashon High School graduate Lloyd Gaines sued University of Missouri for entry into their law school in the Gaines v. Canada case that went before the U.S. Supreme where he was represented by Charles Hamilton Houston (Dean of Howard Law School and Thurgood Marshall's mentor) and the NAACP Legal Defense Fund...Ultimately the U.S. Supreme Court ruled in his favor stating that the separate but equal doctrine required that Missouri either admit him or set up a separate law school for African American students...However, Mr. Gaines disappeared on March 19, 1939, before he could enjoy his victory...

Prominent St. Louis Lawyer Homer G. Phillips led a successful grassroots effort in the 1920s that forced the city of St. Louis to allocate funds to build a respectable hospital for Black St. Louis...He paid for the efforts with his life being assassinated on June 18, 1931, by two Black assailants who were never charged for the crime...As a matter of fact no one was ever charged or tried for the crime…However his namesake, Homer G. Phillips Hospital which opened in 1937 by 1961 had trained more Black doctors and nurses than any place in the world...By 1948, its medical residents included more than one third of all graduates from the two American black medical schools, and in the 1940s and 1950s it was a leader in developing the practice of intravenous feeding and treatments for gunshot wounds, ulcers, and burns. Not only did it house a nursing school, but also schools for training x-ray technicians, laboratory technicians and medical record-keeping…It also began offering training and work to foreign doctors who were being denied by other hospitals because of their race...

Pictured from Top Left to Right:

During the 19th Century, pre-Civil War, when Missouri law forbade Black people from learning how to read or write, Rev. John Berry Meachum came up with an ingenious loophole: He turned a steamboat into a school house, called it the Freedom School and perched it on the Mississippi River which was neutral ground or should I say waters to the Missouri Law...

Henry Hampton Jr., a Wash U. graduate (Class of 1961), created the award winning and critically acclaimed ‘Eyes On The Prize’ documentary series which beautifully and exhaustively chronicles the American Civil Rights Movement…His film production company, Blackside Inc., became one of the largest minority-owned non-theatrical film production companies in the U.S. during the mid-1970s and until his death in 1998…Henry Hampton made a commitment to social justice with his documentaries which include Eyes on the Prize: America's Civil Rights Years (1954-1965); and Eyes on the Prize II: America at the Racial Crossroads 1965-mid 1980s; The Great Depression (1993); Malcolm X: Make It Plain (1994); America's War on Poverty (1995); Breakthrough: The Changing Face of Science in America (1997); I'll Make Me a World: A Century of African-American Arts (1999); Hopes on the Horizon: Africa in the 1990s (2001); This Far By Faith: African American Spiritual Journeys (2003)…Mainly because of Dean McLeod’s tireless efforts, The Henry Hampton Archives are now prominently housed in Washington University in St. Louis Film and Media Archives. In addition to Hampton's films, the collection contains all of the elements that went into the production process such as interviews, stock footage, photographs, research, producer notes, scripts, and Hampton's personal papers…On another note, Henry Hampton Jr.’s dad, Henry Hampton Sr., was the chief surgeon and director of Homer G. Phillips Hospital for a number of years…

 The Sankofa bird is a West African Symbol
The Sankofa bird is flying forward while looking backward with an egg in its mouth. The egg symbolizes the future. "We must go back and reclaim our past so we can move forward; so we understand why and how we came to be who we are today." "We should reach back and gather the best of what our past has to teach us, so that we can achieve our full potential as we move forward. Whatever we have lost, forgotten, forgone or been stripped of, can be reclaimed, revived, preserved and perpetuated."

The arch represents the gateway to opportunity that a real education (built upon a true knowledge of self) provides and is a reference of course also to the prominent Gateway Arch of St. Louis, Missouri.

Own ‘The Brotherhood’ Today!!!

For Just $25 plus $6 shipping and handling ($31 total) this commemorative piece of history can be yours…All 11" x 17" prints (10.5" x 14" in actual image size) are signed by the artist and are limited edition…

You can buy by using this PayPal link:

You can send a money order for $31 to the following address:
Attn: Ron Herd II
Brotherhood Print
P.O. Box 752062
Memphis, TN 38175

Also if you are interested.... 

 Own 'The Legacy' Today: An Art Tribute To Dean McLeod & Dr. John B. Ervin

Monday, July 09, 2012

The Man Behind The Taboo: Meet Datrin Delaney.

 The Man Behind The Taboo: Meet Datrin Delaney.
A W.E. A.L.L. B.E. News Special

“The media's the most powerful entity on earth. They have the power to make the innocent guilty and to make the guilty innocent, and that's power. Because they control the minds of the masses.” ~Malcolm X aka El Hajj Malik Shabazz

“The preacher want me buried why? Cause I know he a liar
Have you ever seen a crackhead, that's eternal fire
Why you got these kids minds, thinking that they evil
while the preacher being richer you say honor God's people”~2Pac aka Makaveli

The Video Saw Around The World…The World Wide Web That Is…
I first heard about the supposed Taboo sex scandal from a relative out of town via text…Actually the text instructed me to call her immediately…And so I did…Normally when I receive a text or call from this particular relative it is for a request for funds…Which I do not mind giving if I have it to give...However, I found in this situation that I was the one doing the receiving rather than the giving…She told me about a sex scandal that involved our cousin Datrin Delaney and his organization Taboo…Allegedly on June 23,2012, his organization was involved in a private sex party at Club Elements, a night club in Memphis…What made it scandalous as well as local and national news was that the event was taped and then uploaded to the popular user content driven video site World Star Hip Hop the following Thursday…The video instantly went viral and controversial which drew the ire of The Establishment…The video showed predominantly young Black adults engage in suggestive sexual acts deemed inappropriate and hedonistic by so-called proper society…To add more insult to injury this event took place just several blocks away from two of Memphis’ largest mega-churches, World Overcomers Ministries (with the large and (in)famous Statue of Liberation Through Christ) and New Directions Church…The district attorney, the Memphis Police Department and the Memphis Mayors’ Office immediately started investigations because some people suggested that some of the women in the video were under aged and that although the people in the video seem to be consenting participants that the acts displayed may have violated city ordinances concerning lewd and explicit acts in public places…

You can view the video here (viewer discretion is advised):
Of course some members in my family were divided by this whole affair…Some folks saw it as a disgrace and a source of embarrassment whereas others like me saw this as an invaluable teaching moment that should not be hampered and diluted with hyperbole and sensationalism that people miss the potential to truly educate, empower and liberate themselves from the tyranny of groupthink…The media should be informing not biasing folks about certain issues and subject matters, the media should be a facilitator and disseminator of information and not the sage on stage dictating to folks how to think and behave…This is one of the very reasons why W.E. A.L.L. B.E. News exist, to give folks the true choice to be free from doubt by being informed and empowered or to be a prisoner of their own ignorance, prejudices and bias because of a failure or desire to do so. To be a prophet one cannot be too concerned about profit for what profits a man if he gains the world and yet loses his soul in the process???
Datrin Delaney is no doubt a very charismatic fellow and natural leader which can also make him an equally polarizing figure…His Taboo movement, less than a year in existence , already has loyal membership almost 1,000 strong with thousands more in supporters and admirers from all walks of life…Delaney’s Taboo movement is more than the just sex party, he is actually reaching out to those folks who have been marginalized and forgotten about by the system, those folks who given an unique opportunity can actually contribute something grand and meaningful to our society and beyond…The elements present in Datrin Delaney’s organization has the ingredients to create a profound political statement and powerful social justice movement, the likes of which we have not seen in over 40 years (more on that later)…
Private Jessica Lynch & Shosana Johnson
4 years ago W.E. A.L.L. B.E. Radio interviewed Datrin Delaney, who is a proud U.S. Army veteran, about his honorable service to his country for our 2008 Memorial Day weekend radio special...Delaney was in the same unit, The 507th Maintenance Company, as famous P.O.W.s Private Jessica Lynch and Private Shoshana Johnson…On March 23, 2003, Delaney escaped certain death and possible capture when the maintenance truck he was riding in was cut off from a convoy due to a sudden sandstorm...Unfortunately, the leading Humvee was ambushed by Iraq insurgents and many people inside the Humvee were killed…This incident also led to the captures of the aforementioned Privates Lynch and Johnson…

Datrin Delaney went from being an underachieving high school student from a broken home, with zero male role models and with zero prospects to becoming an award winning college graduate with a 3.8 GPA and a role model/mentor for elementary school kids as well as a source of pride for his family and his neighborhood in Memphis, Tn…Datrin Delaney weighed the pros and cons of military service and also voiced his opinions about the supposed necessity of the Iraq War in particular and The War On Terror in general…Delaney also recalled the comrades he lost in the line of duty…You can listen to the whole interview here:
Before Taboo: Datrin Delaney's First Interview

On July 4,2012, W.E. AL.L. B.E. News was granted an exclusive interview with Datrin Delaney, the founder of the Taboo movement to tell in his own unedited words his side of the story…This is the first extensive interview that Mr. Delaney done with any news entity and W.E. A.L.L. B.E. is truly honored to deliver his message to the world…This is only the beginning…So stay tuned, stay informed, stay aware and stay alert!!!
Connected by blood: Datrin Delaney & r2c2h2 tha artivist

r2c2h2 tha artivist
Founder of The W.E. A.L.L. B.E. Movement

Check out the interview in several ways...

View the full interview:
W.E. A.L.L. B.E. TV: The Man Behind The Taboo: Meet Datrin Delaney.

Listen to the interview via podcast: 

Or watch it in 2 parts on Youtube:
Part 1  
Part 2

Tuesday, May 08, 2012

Happy Life Affirmation Day My Phee Phee!!! (May 8)

Happy Life Affirmation Day My Phee Phee!!!
“Now that you're here with me
I want to keep you free
To do the things that you want to do
The joy in life is loving you
But now the day has come
To let you know where I'm coming from, yeah

The best of my years will go to you
It's the only thing that I can do
But these things don't come overnight
Lovin' you baby, and I think I'm right
Let me say before I forget
Lovin' you baby, it's where it's at, yeah”~Al Green, “Look What You Done For Me”

“Mona Lisa, Mona Lisa, men have named you
You're so like the lady with the mystic smile
Is it only 'cause you're lonely they have blamed you?
For that Mona Lisa strangeness in your smile?

Do you smile to tempt a lover, Mona Lisa?
Or is this your way to hide a broken heart?
Many dreams have been brought to your doorstep
They just lie there and they die there
Are you warm, are you real, Mona Lisa?
Or just a cold and lonely lovely work of art?

Do you smile to tempt a lover, Mona Lisa?
Or is this your way to hide a broken heart?
Many dreams have been brought to your doorstep
They just lie there and they die there
Are you warm, are you real, Mona Lisa?
Or just a cold and lonely lovely work of art?

Mona Lisa, Mona Lisa” ~The Song “Mona Lisa”

Hey Queen Isis aka ‘The Pheenom’ aka ‘Jedi Master Ebonee Fiyah’:

As you are reading this you already know I haven’t forgotten about your Life Affirmation Day…You are unforgettable…I am hoping that life is treating you well and that you are getting the peace of mind and happiness that has eluded you for so long…I wanted to wish you well on this day made special by your debut into this matrix…You are simply beautiful and beyond category…I hope those blessed enough to encounter you will truly enjoy and appreciate you as the gift that you are…

I just wanted to thank you once again for providing the lil’ sunlight and lil’ water that I needed to grow in this pivotal point in my life…Although I was already on the path you helped in your way to speed up the maturation process…For that I will always be grateful and humble for your help…With that said I hope that my relationship with you has been beneficial to you in ways both short and long term, known as well as unknown…I truly enjoyed our time together even when we argued or debated which actually meant a lot to me in very fluffy or sentimental terms…I hope one day you will realize that my intentions have been more honorable than spiteful…I was opened to the full experience of you, the good, the bad, and the ugly and I have no regrets for it has made me a better person…As they say no pain no gain…

I hope that you will really be good to you and give yourself the love and attention that you deserve…I hope you won’t settle in your endeavors or relationships and that you demand the same respect, exceptionalism and greatness from yourself as you do others…I hope you value your time enough that you do not waste it with people who do not see or cherish you as the rare beautiful gem that you are and that you see the value in being patient with those things, goals or people of which or whom may seem impossible, elusive or difficult but in the end will provide you with the greatest rewards and source of happiness…I also want you to understand the importance of not just looking for the right person but becoming the right person that the right person or people are looking for…

I want you to be free from your doubts, fears and worries to actualize and live your fullest potential…I want you to truly forgive yourself by forgiving the people who betrayed, disappointed and/or abandoned you when you needed them the most…I want you to be truly receptive to those good vibrations and positive energy that will help you to unlock the beauty that resides within…I want you to use your experiences (the good, the bad and the ugly) to create the wisdom and new knowledge that will provide you with the resources and the will power to achieve all that you desire…The Universe loves you Phee but love yourself more so that you can channel your spirit of discernment and gifts to do the greatest good for you and your loved ones…

As far as me is concerned well I am working out, eating better, losing weight, sleeping better and gaining clarity…I plan on ending this year in a big positive way…Right now I am contemplating the implementation of such a feat…I am making the most of my present but I am anticipating a future full of possibilities and wonderful adventures…I am in the spring cleaning phase of my sojourn…I will keep you posted…
  Phee's Brew
I am also including with this letter an original work of art entitled “Phee’s Brew” which is also a tribute to Miles Davis’ Bitches Brew cover art…Hold on to this work of art for it may bring you the 6 figures or more that you desire (Smile)…I promised to always do right by you and I like to honor those promises that mean the most to me…In actuality this is a better investment than me cutting your grass for this truly represents something that I am great at and is one of the reasons why I am here in this place and space…

I will always have a special place for you in my mind, heart and spirit…The welcome mat will always be out and the door wide open for you to walk back into my life…The choice is yours but the pleasure will be all mine…

Sometimes I ponder what would have happened if I decided to taste the cookies rather than draw them that day…But I have no regrets because skipping dessert allowed me to enjoy the meal…You are my Sleeping Beauty and I am your Prince Charming in frog form…But you are also my Isis and I am your Osiris…Thank you for resurrecting me and keeping the faith…I look forward to earning my empirical crown but most importantly your eternal love and respect…

Happy Life Affirmation Day & We Love You Madly!!!
Pheetastically yours,

Ron aka The Pheeologist

Tha Artivist