W.E. A.L.L. B.E. Radio: "The Evolution Of A Revolution: Baba Dick Gregory LIVE!!!"
"Today Mike. Tomorrow?" by r2c2h2 tha artivist. 11" x 14". MIxed Media. Purchase It As T-Shirt For Only $20: http://www.tfund.com/MikeBrown
***Radio Free Dixie For The 21st Century!!!***
W.E. A.L.L. B.E. Radio: Resurrecting Black Radio One Podcast At A Time!!!
Sunday October 26, 2014
4pm Eastern/3pm Central/1pm Pacific
This is a 2 hour show/discussion
Listen Live!!!
***All Shows Are Recorded & Archived & Available For Listens & Downloads 24/7 @ The Same Links Of Their LIVE Airing***
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"Last Year Was Incredible...But This Year Is Going To Be Phenomenal...The Best is Yet To Come!!!" #R2c2h2Says
"Where justice is denied, where poverty is enforced, where ignorance prevails, and where any one class is made to feel that society is an organized conspiracy to oppress, rob and degrade them, neither persons nor property will be safe."~Frederick Douglass
"Last Year Was Incredible...But This Year Is Going To Be Phenomenal...The Best is Yet To Come!!!" #R2c2h2Says
Bro. Dick Gregory Is On Fire!!! If You Don't BElieve Then Just Check Out His Last Following Shows!!!
W.E. A.L.L. B.E. TV: Baba Dick Gregory On Vonderrick Myers Police Killing & #FergusonOctober~10/11/2014
W.E. A.L.L. B.E. TV: Baba Dick Gregory On Vonderrick Myers Police Killing & #FergusonOctober~10/11/2014
W.E. A.L.L. B.E. TV: Ferguson Burning & StL GodDamn!!! Baba Dick Gregory Speaks!!!~8/20/2014
W.E. A.L.L. B.E. TV: Baba Dick Gregory: Edukkkation Is Not Liberation!!!~6/28/2014
W.E. A.L.L. B.E. TV: "A Winter Time Drum Major For Justice: Baba Dick Gregory Speaks!!!"~6/22/2014
W.E. A.L.L. B.E. TV: Baba Dick Gregory Breaks It Down: The Game$, The Game$, The Game$ 2014!!!~5/4/2014
W.E. A.L.L. B.E. TV: Unsung No More: Singing Baba Dick Gregory Praises!!!~3/23/2014
BEyond Category: Baba Dick Gregory Takes Your Calls!!! 3/16/2014
"The Down Low Truth On The HIV/AIDS Conspiracy: Baba Dick Gregory Speaks Again!!!" 2/2/2014
"Surviving The Times: Baba Dick Gregory Speaks!!!" 1/26/2014
Dick Gregory Gone Wild I Mean Viral…
'Nigger' Happened!!!~Bro. Dick Gregory
In January 2013, an interview W.E. A.L.L. B.E. did with venerable comic legend, author, nutritional guru and civil rights activist Bro. Dick Gregory went viral…The interview, which was uploaded on the W.E. A.L.L. B.E. TV YouTube Channel deals with his endorsement of the controversial award winning film “Django Unchained” and his criticisms of Spike Lee as ‘a punk’ and ‘a thug’ for offering a negative review of the film without even seeing it…The video has caused a firestorm of controversy, debate and was even picked up by respected and popular national media outlets such as The Huffington Post, Bossip, NewsOne, The Root, and Black Enterprise magazine just to name a few…The comments made on the YouTube video range from the profane to the profound…I also enjoy reading the insightful comments and blog posts it has generated on social media forums and other internet outlets…I have also received phone calls from folks all over the USA thanking me for the video and sharing their own insights on why hearing the interview was such an affirming learning experience for them…The literally tens of thousands of responses it generated could actually probably make for a great foundation for a decent dissertation on the topic…I was glad that the moment W.E. A.L.L. B.E. captured and shared for posterity also became a true teaching moment for the rest of the world too…
You can view the actual interview and video that was created at the following link:
W.E. A.L.L. B.E.: Bro. Dick Gregory On 'Django Unchained': "Spike Lee Is A Thug & A Punk." (1/13/2013)
As a matter of fact full interviews the master teacher did with W.E. A.L.L. B.E. last year have gone viral!!! Please listen and/or view at your leisure via the following links...And remember to share with your networks:
Watch It Now:
W.E. A.L.L. B.E. TV: Bro. Dick Gregory Unchained Part 1 (1/13/2013)
W.E. A.L.L. B.E. TV: Bro. Dick Gregory Unchained Part 2 (1/16/2013)
W.E. A.L.L. B.E. TV: Bro. Dick Gregory Unchained Part 3 (2/22/2013)
W.E. A.L.L. B.E. TV: Bro. Dick Gregory Unchained Part 4 (4/14/2013)
W.E. A.L.L. B.E. TV: Bro. Dick Gregory Make It Plain 2013 (5/16/2013)
W.E. A.L.L. B.E. TV: "Beyond the Hoodie: Bro. Dick Gregory Speaks!!!" 8/11/2013
W.E. A.L.L. B.E. TV: "Confessions Of A Thought Provocateur: Bro. Dick Gregory LIVE!!!" 1/17/2013
W.E. A.L.L. B.E. TV: "Who Shot Ya??? Bro. Dick Gregory Talks JFK Assassination." 11/24/2013
For More Bro. Dick Gregory Episodes Please Visit
The Official W.E. A.L.L. B.E. TV Channels:
Disclaimer: The views expressed in this show are not the official views, opinions, beliefs or perspectives of W.E. A.L.L. B.E. News or The W.E. A.L.L. B.E. Group Inc....W.E. A.L.L. B.E. News is an organization that thoroughly believes in supplementing the information narrative that is usually supplied by the corporate news entities with those viewpoints/expressions which may be marginalized or ignored for a plethora of reasons...We are about informing the general public on alternative perspectives as it relates to news and information and letting the general public BE the ultimate judge in deciding on how to use said information...Informed citizens are responsible citizens...Thank you for your support!!!
And The Best Is Yet To Come!!!
This Week's Show Is Sponsored By Bro. Terry Sonnier & Blueprintbr, A Luxury Street Wear Clothing Store: http://www.blueprintbr.bigcartel.com/
Bro. Major Christopher Bonds:
To BEcome A Sponsor Tomorrow Contact Us Today!!!
r2c2h2@gmail.com Or Call 901-299-4355
"3 Kings" Art Prints & T-Shirts By R2C2H2 Featuring Comedy Legends Richard Pryor, Paul Mooney & @IAMDickGregory Now Available For Purchase!!!
Get Your "Today Mike. Tomorrow?" T-Shirt Today For Only $20!!!
This work of art was created by r2c2h2 tha artivist in memory of Bro. Michael 'Big Mike' Brown, Jr., who was gunned down by Officer Darren Wilson on August 9, 2014, in Ferguson, MO, a town outside of St. Louis, MO...This incident has sparked what many are calling a new social justice movement similar to the Civil Rights and Black Power Movements of the 50s, 60s and 70s...To many Mike Brown's story and martyrdom is somewhat reminiscent to what happened to Emmett Till...Part of proceeds will go towards charity...LIMITED TIME ONLY!!!
Support The W.E. A.L.L. B.E. 100,000 Strong Fundraising Campaign!!!