4 Years In The Tank Now It's Time To Get $Bank$
***Radio Free Dixie For The 21st Century***
September 2011 Theme: The Most Known Unknown...
Air Date: Weds. September 28, 2011
Time: 9 PM C/10 PM E/7 PM P
Call-in Number: 646-652-4593
All Shows Are Recorded, Archived, & Available For Downloads
& Listens 24/7 @ Their Same Link Of Original Broadcast.***
Topic: Straight From The Hood: Original Gangsters, Street Legends & Chilli Pimping In Atlantic City
Featured Guests....
1.) Bro. Seth Ferranti
Author, Former Kingpin, Federal Prisoner & Founder Of Gorilla Convict Publications
“Have you ever watched American Gangster on BET? Seth ‘Soul Man’
Ferranti brings American Gangster from BET to the books in Street
Legends.” – The Rawsistaz Reviewers
“Ferranti has compiled a who’s who of the late 20th century’s most
infamous kingpins in Street Legends. This is a must read for true crime
enthusiasts.” – Smooth Magazine
As a young man, Ferranti was convicted of running a continual
criminal enterprise that dealt in LSD. He was sentenced to over 25 years
in prison and has been doing his time since 1993. He has the inside
scoop on gangbangers,
mobsters, and crime bosses by proving to them he is a man that can be trusted with their stories.
Gorillaconvict.com is the home of recognized prison journalist and
gangster chronicler, Seth “Soul Man” Ferranti, the Gorilla Convict
Blog and Gorilla Convict Publications which published Seth’s books, his
Prison Stories, his sophomore effort,
Street Legends Vol. 1.
The site also features interviews with Seth from magazines like Black
Men and Don Diva and reviews of his books from Smooth and other
magazines/websites on the media kit section. On the publications
page are many of Seth’s published articles from magazines like King, Don
Diva, Feds and Street Elements. Gorillaconvict.com is all things prison
and gangster. Take your time to explore the site and find out what
gorillaconvict.com and Seth “Soul Man” Ferranti are all about.
2.) Bro. Ron Chepesiuk
Author, Filmmaker & Founder Of Strategic Media Books
Ron Chepesiuk, an award-winning investigative journalist,
has been described as “the master of high octane journalism.” He is the
author of Gangsters of Harlem and Black Gangsters of Chicago, Drug
Lords, a Fulbright Scholar, an adjunct professor in the journalism
department of UCLA’s Extension Division and a consultant to the History
Channel’s Gangland documentary series. He has also been interviewed by
the Biography Channel, Discovery, the History Channel, Black
Entertainment Television, and NBC’s Dateline. He is the author 24 books
and more than 4,000 articles.
Strategic Media Books, LLC is an independent U.S. publisher that aims to
bring extraordinary true-life stories to the widest possible audience.
Founded in 2010, Strategic Media Books intends to be one of the most
energetic and hard-hitting non-fiction publishers in the business. While
we currently specialize in true crime, we plan to expand and publish
great books in any non-fiction genre. In this politically correct age,
we are not afraid of dealing with controversial subjects. In fact, we
plan to take on subjects that few other publishers would want to handle.
More Bro. Ron Chepesiuk & Real American Gangsters On W.E. A.L.L. B.E. Radio:
Topic: Chopping It Up With Sergeant Smack: The Real American Gangster

***TOPIC***GANGSTERS OF MIAMI: The UN Of Organized Crime...
True Tales of Mobsters, Gamblers, Hit Men, Con Men
And Gang Bangers from the Magic City
TOPIC: American Gangster 2.0...The Missing Chapters.
3.) Bro. Scott Wilson
Pop Culture Commentator &
Co-Author Of "Straight From The Hood:
Amazing But True
Gangster Tales"
4.) Bro. Michael Mick-Man Gourdine aka The Candyman
Author, Former Chilli Pimp & Considered The 3rd Most Corrupted Cop In NYPD History
Author Of "Chili Pimping In A.C." Talks About Days As 3rd Dirtiest Cop In History
Chili Pimping in Atlantic City describes how Gourdine
developed the stomach for the pimping game, became a corrupt cop,
learned the pimping trade and survived on the mean streets. The author
paints vivid profiles of some the interesting characters he meets along
the way. He concludes with some hard lessons. “The best way to steer a
young boy away from pimping is to change his environment,” Gourdine
writes. “If a young boy is starving, living without heat in his house,
with no real men around him, guess what he’s going to take when he sees
the first person who he deems the best fit to survive in his dismal
circumstances? And believe you me, he will not be a law abiding
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The W.E. A.L.L. B.E. Group Inc.
P.O. Box 752062
Memphis,TN 38175
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