Rev. Jesse Reflects & Shines Truth On The Trials And Tribulations Of His Famous Mentor Dr. King

Rev. Jesse posing with the ladies (from left to right): Tha Artivist sister Molisa Thomas, fellow volunteer Michelle Maluwetig and Tha Artivist mom a.k.a. education expert and enthusiast Ms. Callie Herd...Please check out her award winning blog @ http://www.ctherd.blogspot.com
Rev. Jackson on Dr. King at the 2007 National Media Conference for Reform Jan. 12,2007
(W.E. A.L.L. B.E. Subscribers please go to the following link to view video:http://weallbe.blogspot.com/2007/01/right-on-jesse.html)
For all the faults that people tend to find in Rev. Jesse Jackson these days I think it's safe to say that his legacy will reflect more mightily on his positive contributions to humanity than on his personal shortcomings as a Christian man…Rev. Jesse Jackson is a special person...He is one of the few people to have actually been trained by the great Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and has done very much since Dr. King's death to spread his teacher's lessons…Rev. Jesse Jackson in that way is like Plato to Dr. King's Socrates being that one had to die for what was just and right in order for the other one to keep the hope alive!!! Like the Apostle Paul did for Jesus, Rev. Jesse Jackson has spread Dr. King's message of love, justice and acceptance far and wide…
Although I did not see the Rev. Jesse Jackson speak this past Friday (I was busy registering folks for the conference)...

Tha Rev and Tha Artivist:That's right the brotha in the hat is none other than R2C2H2 Tha Artivist reporting for W.E. A.L.L. B.E.
I did get a chance to meet him afterwards and asked him for an autograph for my sister…At first I thought I wouldn't have a chance being that he had a nice size entourage of brothers in suits as well as someone from a media outlet interviewing him as they made their way towards the escalator…I decided to take the staircase next to the escalator so that I can get myself together in advance and be in a better position to get his autograph…After he finished the interview Rev. Jackson hugged one of the female organizers of the conference…As Rev. Jackson and his entourage was making their way towards the door exit, I humbly called out to Rev. Jackson and asked for his autograph…Although he was in a rush he didn't brush me off, instead he paused while his entourage stopped and he took my paper and pen and asked me to whom to make the autograph out to…He had a quiet air of confidence and dignity which may sometimes be mistaken for arrogance by others, but which spoke to his ability to handle himself appropriately in certain situations, especially when dealing with the public… At the same time he was very humble...In his lifetime he must have signed millions of autographs and posed for millions of pictures, but it seems that he knew that this was expected of him because he's for the people and to be for the people you must be accessible to the people…Rev. Jackson, in spite of what people may say, is a true public servant in every sense of the phrase…He truly embodies the saying to whom much is given much is expected…In many ways Rev. Jackson is the closest we have to a contemporary Frederick Douglass being that he is a great charismatic orator and persuader with the gift to make people feel that they are a part of something significant and wonderful…And just like Douglass he is also a committed agitator for justice to the very end…Bro. Jesse instead of waiting for your state funeral (somewhere in the distant future) I am going to give you your flowers while you are breathing...I hope you enjoy the sweet smell of your life's essence and thanks for being you…
A fan of Bro. Jesse,
Tha Artstorian
To view Rev. Jackson's speech in its entirety please go to the official 2007 National Conference for Media Reform website:
Also to view more news, photos and audio from the 2007 National Media Conference for Reform please click on the following link:
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