Trinity United Church of Christ/Religion News Service
In Chicago, Mr. Obama embraced Christianity under the tutelage of the Rev. Jeremiah A. Wright Jr., known for sometimes inflammatory views.
Note: This is the third of three responses written in support of my commentary
To see other people's reactions view the following link:
In Chicago, Mr. Obama embraced Christianity under the tutelage of the Rev. Jeremiah A. Wright Jr., known for sometimes inflammatory views.
Note: This is the third of three responses written in support of my commentary
To see other people's reactions view the following link:
Once again everybody is making valid points...But I know you all are just as guilty as Obama supporters in passing off your emotions as logic
...Politics isn't as logical as people think...If it was, then the U.S. wouldn't be China West right now...If it was Adlai E. Stevenson would have been a two term Democratic President instead of a two time Democratic Presidential Nominee...If it was Ralph Nader would have been President by now...Dewey would have defeated Truman in '48, Bush Jr. would have never been President and Hillary would be the front runner right now...
I think one step we all can do is stop legitimizing corporate media by calling it mainstream...It isn't it's b.s....Mainstream is really what you believe not what they want you to believe...
Hip Hop was mainstream (grassroots powered by the people) before Corporate folks made aspects of her into a whore...That why Common rhymed "I used to love her" from back in the day
Also be passionate about your ideas and promote them outside your comfort zone...That is how revolutions are started...Taking great risks to receive great rewards...
But Obama really isn't the issue...I am going to say it but it feels good to see a lot of Black folks unified on something considering what's going on in our world concerning people of color...
Obama is just a man...Why do people care so much about a man we don't even know?
How many of us really know our next door neighbors?
One thing that Brother Obama said that was on point is we must make a choice between change and distractions...
I proudly voted for Obama for the Tennessee 'Tornado' Primary...
But many of you all seem to think that people that vote for anybody besides whomever you all believe in are sheep and mislead...
That may be true for some, but you must understand that politics isn't about morality...Hell it's barely about ethics...It's about winning...By any means necessary...
Somebody made a mention about Hitler in a previous post...Hell whether you felt he was good or bad, people still talk about him to this day and will be talking about him for a long time after we all are just a memory, if we all are remembered at all...
You see the world honors those who act on their beliefs, even if they are morally unjust in terms of a Hitler...To have courage of your convictions and to manifest and alter reality is an accomplishment many of us, sadly, don't feel we can achieve...I say Yes We Can!!!
Many of us let our fears and doubts about the outcome a.k.a. future paralyze us in our comfort zones...FDR once said that the only thing to fear is fear itself...
Courage doesn't mean you are absent of fear, it just means that you refuse to let fear control your actions...
I know some of you all are Naderphiles, I encourage everybody and anybody who got a gripe with our system and don't have the courage to create a new one, please consider becoming active in the system by running for office, supporting candidates who truly care about your interests and have a damn good chance of being "electable" or create organization(s) that will be an agitator, advocate and conduit for the change you seek..I also encourage everyone to at least mentor to as many young people as you can by any means necessary...Obama, "in spite of" not "because of" the Old Jim Crow Generation is in this thing for the most part because of the Youth Vote...The youth have not been engaged like this since 1968...Help them realize that although their candidate may not win that there is still more important systemic work to be done to help create a more perfect union...No one man can sum up an idea whose time and change has come...
In all honesty I know that many will still believe what they believe and that's alright...But respect others as well who might have a difference of opinion...We can all agree to disagree...
I love this dialogue we are creating...Let's hope it leads to more concrete action on all our parts...
In Solidarity and Good Faith Your Brother And Comrade...
Bro. Ron a.k.a. R2C2H2 Tha Artivist
"Every great dream begins with a dreamer. Always remember, you have within you the strength, the patience, and the passion to reach for the stars to change the world."
"If I could have convinced more slaves that they were slaves, I could have freed thousands more."
-Harriet Tubman
More Related Coverage On W.E. A.L.L. B.E. News & Radio:
Once again everybody is making valid points...But I know you all are just as guilty as Obama supporters in passing off your emotions as logic
I think one step we all can do is stop legitimizing corporate media by calling it mainstream...It isn't it's b.s....Mainstream is really what you believe not what they want you to believe...
Hip Hop was mainstream (grassroots powered by the people) before Corporate folks made aspects of her into a whore...That why Common rhymed "I used to love her" from back in the day

Also be passionate about your ideas and promote them outside your comfort zone...That is how revolutions are started...Taking great risks to receive great rewards...
But Obama really isn't the issue...I am going to say it but it feels good to see a lot of Black folks unified on something considering what's going on in our world concerning people of color...
Obama is just a man...Why do people care so much about a man we don't even know?
How many of us really know our next door neighbors?
One thing that Brother Obama said that was on point is we must make a choice between change and distractions...
I proudly voted for Obama for the Tennessee 'Tornado' Primary...
But many of you all seem to think that people that vote for anybody besides whomever you all believe in are sheep and mislead...

That may be true for some, but you must understand that politics isn't about morality...Hell it's barely about ethics...It's about winning...By any means necessary...
Somebody made a mention about Hitler in a previous post...Hell whether you felt he was good or bad, people still talk about him to this day and will be talking about him for a long time after we all are just a memory, if we all are remembered at all...
You see the world honors those who act on their beliefs, even if they are morally unjust in terms of a Hitler...To have courage of your convictions and to manifest and alter reality is an accomplishment many of us, sadly, don't feel we can achieve...I say Yes We Can!!!
Many of us let our fears and doubts about the outcome a.k.a. future paralyze us in our comfort zones...FDR once said that the only thing to fear is fear itself...
Courage doesn't mean you are absent of fear, it just means that you refuse to let fear control your actions...
I know some of you all are Naderphiles, I encourage everybody and anybody who got a gripe with our system and don't have the courage to create a new one, please consider becoming active in the system by running for office, supporting candidates who truly care about your interests and have a damn good chance of being "electable" or create organization(s) that will be an agitator, advocate and conduit for the change you seek..I also encourage everyone to at least mentor to as many young people as you can by any means necessary...Obama, "in spite of" not "because of" the Old Jim Crow Generation is in this thing for the most part because of the Youth Vote...The youth have not been engaged like this since 1968...Help them realize that although their candidate may not win that there is still more important systemic work to be done to help create a more perfect union...No one man can sum up an idea whose time and change has come...

In all honesty I know that many will still believe what they believe and that's alright...But respect others as well who might have a difference of opinion...We can all agree to disagree...
I love this dialogue we are creating...Let's hope it leads to more concrete action on all our parts...
In Solidarity and Good Faith Your Brother And Comrade...
Bro. Ron a.k.a. R2C2H2 Tha Artivist
"Every great dream begins with a dreamer. Always remember, you have within you the strength, the patience, and the passion to reach for the stars to change the world."
"If I could have convinced more slaves that they were slaves, I could have freed thousands more."
-Harriet Tubman
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