June 2008's Theme Is
"Intergenerational Conversations..."
Date: Sunday June 29, 2008
Listen To The Actual Show Online At The Following Link: http://www.blogtalkradio.com/weallbe/2008/06/29/Tha-Artivist-PresentsWE-A-LL-BE-News-Radio
Call-In Number: (646) 652-4593
A W.E. A.L.L. B.E. News & Radio Exclusive... Special Guests Sis. Patrice Gaines and Bro. Corey Whitsett Topic: Writing & Speaking Truth To Empower...21st Century Griots...
Gaines outlined her path to change in her inspirational book, "Moments of Grace, Meeting the Challenge to Change."
She has been a guest on the Oprah Winfrey Show and was featured on a segment of Dateline. Her articles have appeared in numerous publications, including Essence Magazine. She has been a commentator on National Public Radio and Pacifica Radio. Today, Gaines is a freelance journalist, writing teacher and motivational speaker, telling her story at colleges, conferences, prisons and drug rehabilitation programs around the country. She is a restorative justice trainer and a "justice reform activist," who encourages discussions on forgiveness in her lectures and coaxes people to redefine "justice." Her goal is to drastically change the U.S. judicial system and prison industry.
Gaines is also devoted to working to empower women, especially those who have been incarcerated. To that end, she and longtime friend Gaile Dry-Burton plan to open The Brown Angel Retreat Center in the Charlotte, N.C. area. The Center will offer a respite from judgment, a place for healing and learning as well as a program of courses and counseling aimed at assisting women in becoming mentally, spiritually and financially healthy.
Hailing from Chicago, Il a.k.a. The Windy City, most of Bro. Corey Randolph Whitsett's time growing up was spent in his father's church. He gives all credit to God for each and every talent that he is blessed with. Whether writing short stories, plays, poetry or songs for his jazz band, Corey is constantly creating something.Corey has been hard at work producing gospel stage plays through his Christian entertainment company, ACTS Drama Ministries. Some of his plays are: Guess Who's Coming to Church, Till Death Do Us Part, Church Folks, Mary's Baby etc.
ACTS Drama Ministries was founded by Corey R. Whitsett in 1999 to provide Christians with quality alternatives to secular entertainment. Our goal is to further the kingdom of God by spreading his word through the performing arts. Although ACTS Drama Ministries is in the entertainment business, the main focus is the ministry. Their productions are designed to not only entertain but empower God's people by spreading the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
Juggling his life at home along with working full-time as a computer consultant, Corey tries to write as much as he can. "I have so many passions in life, my family, music, career, but writing is the only thing that I can't control. God has chosen me to be a writer so I must be obedient when He has a story for me to tell."
He says being a musician and a writer has never cause much conflict because they compliment each other. "Sometimes, I hear music and it makes me write, other times I am reading something and I hear music."Corey has completed one novel, Quiet Before The Storm, and is currently working on his second novel, Epic.
Visit Bro. Corey Whitsett's Official Websites:
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