February 2008's Theme Is
"We Are Path Finders..."
When: Sunday Feb. 10, 2008
Time: 4PM-6PM Central Time
Call In: 646-652-4593
E-mail: r2c2h2@gmail.com
Listen To The Actual Show Live Online At The Following Link:
This Week's Topic:
Barack Obama & The Hip Hop Effect On American Politics

The 'Yes We Can!' Man is gaining momentum...Besides a catchy slogan he also possesses unbelievable crossover appeal and a cult like following not seen in American politics since the days of the late Bobby Kennedy 40 years ago...This is the man by many people's standards that you truly want to "vote for" rather than "settle for"...Learn about the conditions that made such an incredible bid at the U.S. Presidency possible...Learn how Hip Hop, for better or for worse, could have and is playing a role in the public perception of the man who possesses the "Audacity of Hope" yet at the same time represents the spirit of true "Change" for the face of American Politics!!!

O! by Rah Crawford
Our Special Guests:
Sis. Margaret Kimberley~ Editor and senior columnist for the Black Agenda Report. Her Freedom Rider column appears weekly in BAR. Ms. Kimberley lives in New York City, and can be reached via e-Mail at margaret.kimberley@blackagendareport.com. You can read more of her writings at freedomrider.blogspot.com.
Bro. Alex Billet~Music journalist and activist living in
Washington D.C. He is a frequent contributor to Dissident Voice and
Znet, and has also appeared in Socialist Worker, CounterPunch and MR
Zine. His blog Rebel Frequencies can be viewed at http://www.rebelfrequencies
Visual Artist Bro. Morris Howard
Rapper Yung Blac
As Always Please Spread The Good News!!!
Check Out The 2007 R2C2H2 Winter Newsletter:
Check Out "The Empowerment Hour" Hosted By Bro. Kermit Eady Every Saturday @ 6 PM EST/ 5PM CST
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