Many people outside of the law enforcement and judicial systems are not familiar with the name Willie Bosket…However it can be said with sound reason that Willie Bosket's notorious criminal lifestyle and exploits are the reason why many young people are tried as adults for certain crimes including murder…It seems that the life of Willie Bosket was predestined for tragedy…Willie Bosket more so than Willie Horton, the New York Times article about the Plight of Black Males, Tavis Smiley's Convenant with Black America, and the current National Urban League report on Black America embodies all that is right and wrong with Black America in particular and Amerikkan society in general…He hails from a long line of angry, highly intelligent, anti-authoritative Black males with the surname of Bosket ever since their plantation days (slavery) in "Bloody" Edgefield County, South Carolina a.k.a. KKK Country…The Bosket men were known to switch moods at any given moment and did not fear any man, Black or White…They had no problems in fighting and in certain instances killing a fellow person of color in self defense or otherwise…The fact alone that they would not bow down to Whites and the rules of the Jim Crow South made them not only unemployable by inherently racist institutions of industry but also a threat to the ways and nature of the aforementioned Jim Crow South...In other words because of their charisma, intelligence and radicalism they could be viewed as potential revolutionaries in the vein of Nat Turner and Denmark Vescey(Bad Niggers)…So they were forced out of the south into the northern parts of the U.S…However, instead of the "Malcolm X route" or the revolutionary route, the Bosket men opted for the "Detroit Red route" meaning a life of crime and violence…According to Mr. J. Douglas Allen-Taylor Willie's great-grandfather Clifton 'Pud' Bosket started the violent line of Bosket men:
Pud Bosket, Willie's great-great-grandfather, grew up a generation after the end of the Civil War and the broken promises of Emancipation. Pud was a notorious "bad nigger," the kind about whom songs are composed and stories written. Unable to find work on any of the area farms because he refused to submit to a white farmer who tried to beat him with a whip, Pud made a living gambling and breaking into stores.
He served time on South Carolina's notorious chain gangs, and was both feared and respected within the African-American community. "He didn't bother nobody, but if you pushed him, you had to beat him," Pud's brother once said. "Step on his foot, at a dance or walking by, just brush him, and there'd be a fight. He wasn't never scared."
Willie's grandfather, James who himself would travel up and down the eastern coast of the United Snakes committing armed robbery, would routinely beat and whip his father, Willie James 'Butch' Bosket, as a child, leaving him with the markings and disfigurements very similar to the ones received by enslaved Africans pre-Civil War Amerikkka…Willie's father killed two White men with a knife in a Milwaukee pawn shop because he thought one of the men had cheated him out of some money for some pornographic pictures and spent most of his life in jail while his mother abandoned him when he was very young…His grandmother became his legal guardian, but his true parents were the mean streets and subways of New York City…By the time he was fifteen it was said that Willie had committed over 2,000 criminal acts which included vandalism, 200 armed robberies, 25 stabbings. petty theft and two documented subway homicides…The State of New York found him to be an unrepentant and unsavable socio-psychopath…However, he was still a youth and due to the loopholes in the laws concerning youth offenders (regardless of murder charges) he was a free man by the time he was 21, but due to a climate change in the New York judicial system giving repeat offenders felonies and longer sentences (largely influenced by Willie's homocidal and socio-pathic exploits as a teenager) Willie found himself literally as a target to be made an example of and he was quickly sent back to jail for life for relatively minor offenses as a young adult…
It was found out during extensive psychological testing that Willie Bosket, like many of the men in his family with the same surname, possessed an above average or genius IQ…His father while serving time in Leavenworth Penitentiary received his G.E.D and became the first prisoner in Amerikkka to graduate from a college or academic institution (University of Kansas) with the designation of Phi Beta Kappa, a very prestigous academic honor…He was in the top three per cent of his class and made 38 As (and 2 Bs) out of a possible 40 college credit courses he took….Although Bosket's father literally had a mind like Einstein with unlimited potential, he nonetheless like a protagonist in a Shakespeare play was doomed by the stars for failure and a tragic demise…He was eventually killed in a shootout with police in Milwaukee which also claimed the life of his girlfriend (he allegedly committed a homicide-suicide)…The death of his father deeply affected a still young Willie Bosket…Willie Bosket has officially been designated the MOST DANGEROUS PRISONER IN NEW YORK STATE…According to criminologist Dr. Katherine Ramsland, Willie Bosket is currently kept in deep isolation in a specially constructed isolation cell. The guards are forbidden to speak to him. He has no electrical outlets, no television or newspapers. Behind the bars of his cell is a sheath of plexiglass. Four video cameras keep him under surveillance at all times. Whenever he goes out, he is thoroughly shackled with an automobile tow chain. He feels he is on death row with no hope of escape in the electric chair.
Willie Bosket basically embodies that old United Negro College Fund statement that a mind is a terrible thing to waste…He also represents what happens when the dreams and aspirations of talented and gifted Black men are not only deferred but are aborted before they are given birth to….Here are some links where you can find more info on the trials and tribulations of Willie Bosket: